Are Expectations and Conditions holding you back?

Feb 07, 2019

“Today is a day of exploration! Getting excited about your future and the adventure that you are now embarking on even if you still feel a possible void. This void is meant to help shift your perspective and to help you see new ways of creation, new ways of innovation. Today is all about understanding yourself and the attachments that you possibly still hold, the conditions that are keeping you in this void possibly because every soul is on a different journey today especially. But the energies that are coming in are giving you the opportunity to dive deep into your introspection and understand that you are coming into a place of absolute love. The shift of Consciousness that is happening is one to help tear down your limits and expectations and attachments to anything outside of yourself. Because if you still have a condition upon a desire then it messes up the line of frequency. It makes it unobtainable because they're still feels of a lack and that is then the frequency that you tap into. Instead of allowing that condition to absolve and allowing possibly a different way than you expected to occur, to then manifested that desire.

We know that as humans this is not what you have been told and there are more of you now that are understanding the power of creation and alignment and we are happy to see that. But many of you are also clearing up your ancestry, your lines of past incarnations. So things that may be coming into your awareness or coming up in terms of limitations could also be things that need to be cleared for the collective and some of you are in charge, or that is part of your mission we should say, to help clear that energetic cord.  

 There seems to be a cyclical cycle that is happening that when you have an expectation or condition and then are upset that it doesn't come to fruition, then you lose your trust in the possibility of that manifestation or desire. Because if you had that expectation then where is the outcome.  Sometimes those expectations can feel in alignment, but yet that is more of the mind speaking in the old ways of programming. Wanting to satiate that desire regardless of any other things in your vicinity or peripheral. We did not mean to harp on you if you are still having trouble with expectation or limitations there will always be an aspect of that within the human construct. But the more that you can surrender and trust in your ability to create then you will start to see a shift in how fast you manifest because that shift puts you back into alignment. You can still have desires and long for things but yet absolving these conditions will help to unhinge you from that old way of being and thinking and expecting. You do this by nurturing yourself and loving yourself more than wanting or needing a desire or expectation to help you feel validation in your existence of pleasure.  We're not saying that it is not important to manifest or your have the things that you desire. We are trying to help you clear up this disillusion of creation of how the human experience used to be and remembering who you truly are. And some of you know how to shift into this new level of consciousness. We know that it is complex and not an easy thing to understand but this is how Source energy is trying to help the collective Consciousness shift by recognizing yourself as the whole. Ground your energy as much as you can to help let go of those expectations to live more into the moment and find the gratification of everything you already do have. We know that seeing Beyond illusion is one of the tougher things that are holding many humans and consciousness back, but this is all part of the natural and folding. until we speak again”


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