Are You Ready to Shine Your Light?

Jan 25, 2019

“ The energies for today that you will be experiencing are ones of great challenge but bring the highest reward of pleasure. We don't wish to scare you right off the bat with this channeling but we wish to be honest with you in terms of the intensity that is coming through, now that you're at the tail end of the shadow period of the full moon in Leo. We are ready for you to put down your guard or weapons of protection and allow your heart to be seen. Allow yourself to hold nothing back, to release all of the suppression that has been so much on your mind of trying to protect yourself. It is now time to transform it and allow it to be channeled into other areas of your life. We know that as a human being this is part of living in survival. Living in a place of fear for your life those times are changing now and yet there is still so much to lose but what is there really to hold onto at the same time. Positive pieces are falling together, it’s happening now the flow and it is transforming in all areas of your life and when we say flow we mean you have enter a state of planed events. This is your turning point now because now is the time that all of your old selves from past lives and previous incarnations elsewhere in the Galaxy are coming back. It is now time to reclaim those aspects of your soul self. Is it time to bring them forward in this lifetime and use them to the highest of your abilities and the highest of your conscious expansion.

This is where the shift is being made now letting go of the old protections that you thought were helping you through the war so to speak. Time to turn in your sword and level up into a state of being that has the most unlimited potential of power, so many facets. This has been designed to be a journey of evolution for you and now it is time to realize that this is your Soul's Mission. Some of you who are reading this will understand what we are talking about and those of you who are unsure of what we are alluding to we want you to know that you are at just the right place at the right time for your new direction to begin. More souls are coming online now to understand clearly what they are truly moving into then move to forward and make a choice. It is up to you of what direction you wish to go. You can stay locked in that place or in that comfort zone, and we know that this is especially the easier options due to this heavy rush of energy that is bringing forth even more intensity and pressure to make a choice. This choice is not about something that will happen all at once, yet it is. And everyday within every moment, making the decision to keep moving in the direction that you feel most called to be in. The direction of creating, being who you really know you are. Remembering now as all your soul aspects come back and integrate through this puzzle piece of organization and orchestration. Know that they are helping you most within whatever choice you make. To allow it to happen decide within your mental awareness and cognizance will then allow everything to fall into place. You will be guided about what actions to take after that point through your awareness and connection to your heart. Every soul has a purpose, your soul has a reason for being here the more that you are on that path of self-discovery your heart will expand and positive energy of abundance will keep flowing to you. Not to say that there are not going to be challenges still along the way. You are still an ever evolving human but yet it will be an easier ride because you will be in surrender and trust to the higher orchestration of your mission, if you chose that path. Today yet like every other day this week is about resting into this influx of energy. If you feel as if your soul doesn't know which direction to move, allow that void to be what it is because within that nothingness, even with that confusion, you will be able to discern after you become more neutral. When you are neutral you are able to step back and witness. You examine in a deeper way that does not have the emotions so heavily heightened into the decision-making.

You are not on a time crunch either, we would like to note. Yes this is an intense challenging time. A lot of choices to make yet you do have time to allow this process to naturally unfold. Because even if you do make one choice in a certain direction then you can still readjust and look at all your other options thereafter. What we are trying to get at here for today especially is that there is no such thing as permanent. Thinking that something is permanent starts attachment and it's stress leads to an eventual misguided expectation. Allow your body and mind and emotions to have that influx of change. To go with the current instead of struggling to do something for survival. Go with the current that is pushing you in the most easy of flows and has the most relaxed of states because that is the key. That is the way we wish for you to experience your journey as much as possible. Yet within that there needs to be influxes of energy to keep expanding.

Come back to your center. Your center of gravity where you feel that nothingness and can find some relief and peace in your system. That could be by doing activities like walking or painting for example. Whatever it is for you, nourish yourself as much as you can today and through the rest of this week. Allow things to swirl around you, be the eye of the storm and trust that this too shall pass and you will step into the greatest most fulfilling path that your heart is longing for. We wish for you to step into this place and realize that this is just the beginning of the greatest shift of Consciousness ever seen! We are the Arcturian council and we are so delighted to have spoken with you. until we speak again”


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