Coming back to your Inner Child

Mar 22, 2019

“We can see that you have still purging from the release of the full moon and that is excellent. It is very much needed at this time for your systems to be able to move forward in the direction you are longing for. So do not be worried that you may feel lost in your past or confusion of feeling so much different energy swirling around. You do you have a tendency to become doom and gloom when you feel unsure or confused about how to move forward. But now is not the time to move forward necessarily, of course we want you to stay as positive as possible but through this process it is not about staying on one side of the spectrum. It is about balancing with that duality and with your past. So everything that you may feel that is bombarding you at this time or needing release, we recommend that you allow it to come up and then recognize how that particular situation have helped you. What has brought to light to your shadow of that situation or feeling. Recognizing that it is not about getting rid of your shadow or your darkness within your human self, but it is about finding a cohesive way of understanding the situations and your past that has already happened and recognizing how it has made you who you are at this very moment. “

“Coming home to yourself deeper and deeper once you then see the purpose of the past and recognizing your inner child before all of those layers of conditioning or situations happened. Coming back deeper into that innocence and striving for that reconnection and true alignment of your soul. Because many of you are ready for that realignment. So as we said it's not necessarily time to move forward but it will be very soon and some of you can make steps in that direction of positive change or realignment. There is no rush because the more that you allow yourself to feel this unearthing and this re-evaluation of your duality within, The deeper you will gain perspectives and insight and heal your heart and those wounds. In a positive and constructive way instead of just brushing them again under the carpet per say. so listen to your body listen to your emotions and ask yourself questions that give you that Insight or allow you to have a different perspective. Instead of going straight to a negative belief down and out. recognize why you do feel that knee-jerk reaction to go to a negative place and learn how to redirect your barometer of feeling. Change that connection of frequency and emotional reaction, you can do this! It is a process and takes a lot of self-discipline but we know that many of you are capable, of course to move through this denser energy. We are here for you to assist you along that journey of realignment for yourself. So still utilizing these energies from the full moon and this positive energy that you are feeling from the equinox, recognizing that there is hope along the horizon for your future of course! the more that you can find realignment within yourself, the more you will start to see that shift outside in your world in your Humanity. more people are waking up to this connection. We are excited to be along for the ride with you. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”


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