Deep Emotional Healing

Feb 08, 2019

“Today is a day of emotional healing. Emotional healing is coming in now to assist you along this path that is ever unfolding for you. As we spoke yesterday about figuring out where limitations and conditions were in your life that were possibly pinching you off from a better feeling thought or a better alignment for yourself and then allowing the energy of what you are wishing to manifest come into being. We want you to know that that is part of this new expression and understanding of what is coming about in your life. What is manifesting for you is beyond what the mind can conceptualize.”

“The energy of today is one of emotional healing that is helping to cleanse yourself from those emotions that were tied to those limitations. Because once you figure something out cognitively in the mind, then they are disconnected from your emotions but yet within the human form your emotions are deeply embedded into your DNA and physical structure and that is how you have disease. But for what we are reaching and talking about today it is about when the release within your mind occurs then the emotions are now freed up to then transfer into a different energy.  In each individual soul you will feel this differently and experience this healing of emotions in different ways, it depends on how much you have understood and are willing to let go of. There is nothing wrong with the amount of healing that does or does not happen.  It is an opportunity to allow your emotions to regain a different perspective and then understand that those emotions were not serving you from the lack of true alignment with it.”

“Ways that could best help this emotional healing to occur, is by allowing whatever feeling comes up to arise, meet it and witness it without judgment or too much thought about it. Because some of you will experience higher levels of emotion coming up today. Things that were suppressed are now being released through this healing and by the end of this weekend you will feel renewed in so many senses and areas in your life. We are excited to see that keep unfolding for you. Please drink a lot of water.  Water is a perfect cleanse for your emotional body because you are made up of a lot of water. So this will help connect and even if you would like you can set an intention with every glass of water or anything you eat or drink but specially water. Setting an attention to put in what you do wish to create instead of what was existing within your expectations.  Because then as you set the intention that is already then amplifying within your system through the molecule of the water taking on that frequency of the intention you set.  We know that some of you may not find that to be logical or true in any way and that is okay.  We're not here to make anyone believe anything they don't wish to believe or feel is right for them. But it is just a simple tool if you wish or feel guided to. Even sitting by a body of water or listening to the sound of the waves is very healing for your emotions and cleansing. But just be gentle as you can with yourself through this exchange of energy with your emotions. until we speak again” 9th Dimentional Arcturian Channeling"


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