Feminine & Masculine Balancing

Jun 26, 2019

“Today specifically there is an emphasis on the feminine energy. The feminine of each and everyone of you even if you are predominantly male. The natural order of earth especially is connected heavily to the consciousness that you each hold as well. So due to what has happened within the state of consciousness, there is a opportunity more than ever, to find this rebalance within your own physical understanding. Which will then help affect the external understanding of what it is to be feminine, of what mother nature has always shown earth. What balance can be restored through the awareness and vulnerability that is so precious. How to find that love again, that balance of mother nature of the nurturing within yourself. The power of the true feminine energy that is coming forward that has been suppressed and then at the same time the true masculinity recognizing that the masculine energy on a collective scale has feared the feminine energy in a multitude of whats. But the more that you forgive your own masculinity for buying into these old patterns of thought or ideology, the more that both can heal and come back into a more natural state of balance and then expand upon that even deeper into an Ascension of true understanding of ones own power within each gender or with an each frame of energy. Because even as we mean or say feminine and masculine we do not particularly mean gender at all. We mean the type of energy that we can categorize that make sense to you that you live in currently. But as we see it from our perspective it is just all the same energy and it has its own characteristics but that is just how you can even witness nature in general. There is always female and masculine attributes in order to create life. But yet when you step back from it all you just see pure ever-flowing nature and love. What can you do today to nurture yourself more and at the same time, to forgive yourself for something that you may have logically done or not known before that pertains to your masculinity. Or even to another masculine energy outside of yourself. We know that it is hard to forgive sometimes for someone's lack of awareness or what have you.”

“ But today is the safe space to go into those aspects that may need need more comforting and allow yourself to be open to see things from a different perspective in order to forgive to let go of your anger to let go of the fear. And to forgive yourself more than anything else because  even if someone has wronged you, you still need to forgive yourself for being in that situation whatever the situation may have been. There are so many high-frequency energies coming down onto Earth at this time and that is why it is a beautiful day to open up and let those energies in because they will bring to light those darker aspects that need to be unearthed and looked at deeper, but then supporting you within a rebirth of understanding. The energy is revving up as well to cleanse communication even deeper through Mercury going retrograde and through eclipse season that is coming up as well. We are very proud of each and everyone of you. The love that we can see emanating from all of you is the strongest we've yet to see for all of humanity. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again”


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