Finding New Balance of Duality
Dec 08, 2019We know that for many of you there can be the feeling that your heart and mind are at war or that you are feeling hit by a wave of energy that has caused you to be more in survival mode instead of your heart-space. The reason for this wave of energy for many of you is to clearly redefine and sift through all of your thoughts. So it is not about closing one thought off that may feel negative, it is about allowing all of the subconscious and conscious to intertwine with itself on a different level, so that you can perceive it for what it is and then recognize your choice in the matter and not feel so overwhelmed by aspects that you are ready to move beyond thought you had already moved beyond.
And what we are getting at specifically or are trying to is that for many of you right now is the time to really ask yourself what you believe, what do you want to believe. What are you still feeling from an ego sense that you are maybe entitled to or separate from? Where is that distinction. So then once you find that perspective and can witness it so you're not so emotionally within it and lost in it if you are also specifically in a survival state of mind. You can then keep evolving out of those beliefs and also allow your system, your energetics to open up to deeper downloads to deeper expansion within your DNA and to allow that survival root chakra to be upgraded to its highest potential which allows then the solar plexus and the sacral to reintegrate and then emerge through the Heart Center. And while that happens it upgrades all of your upper chakras and connect you deeper to your higher self.
For many of you have already cycled through this evolution but at this point in time it is still about expanding even more. And we know for many of you that brings up every fear possible but it serves that purpose like we said before, so that you are not held down by that fear any longer. Yes you may a have fearful thoughts but it does not mean that it is the only truth in your reality or the only way to be in that existing moment. As a collective you are balancing duality at a very molecular level which is within your DNA as well. That inward rebalancing is happening collectively outside as a whole as well. There is importance in everything that you do. Every step you take towards more openness and vulnerability and honoring of yourself the deeper you are moving in that right direction. So we're sending you love and light to assist you at this time. To show that you are supported in these new steps forward in this new expansion in this introspection. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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