Finding Your Own Flow

Jul 22, 2019

“We can see that the planetary alignment that is connected with your energy field within your own personal field and within your collective field, is being showered with an abundance of positive frequency. At this time though it can feel that it is quite the opposite but yet it is the illusion of the purging process. For example just as a waterfall rushing over, it can seem that it is a dangerous place to be under that waterfall if very high intensity pressurized water is flowing through. But yet it is cleansing and upheavaling what is happening at the bottom of that collection of water which then oscillates the energy the frequency and recharges  it with that new water coming in. But that is what is happening within your systems within your energetics so that's why many of you are feeling Ascension symptoms and feeling your body reacting to this and recognizing the emotional upheaval that is then being brought to the surface from your subconscious.”

“It is very much apart of everything as individuals you are trying to create within your own balance but it is also helping all of the collective as well. There is a great deal of emphasis specifically on evolutionary aspects and what we mean specifically is that it is about recognizing that the programming and the habits that have been indoctrinated to you, or that you have just been living for so long are ready to be removed, ready to be transformed. So much is changing for you, but in order to make this an easier transition the most important thing you can do is to listen to your gut instincts of what that yearning is telling you to do. What that yearning is, coming from your heart and not from those old survival instincts of the past. And it sometimes is hard to discern but this is what this process is about. The more that you trust your body’s intelligence and resonate and understand what is actually the right path for you, the easier this will be for you to keep your ground, to keep your balance. But also at the same time it is okay to lose your balance because then you gain so much more when you then become balanced. You learn from the contrast or you regain it again after another wave of energy or as something comes up to trigger you, to test you. You are heavily supported at this time even though it is very tumultuous and has still been tumultuous. We are here with you and we are encouraging you to keep going forward but do allow yourself to rest. It is about receiving this energy and not trying to do too much. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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