Full Moon and Eclipse Intensity

Jul 16, 2019

“For many of you it may feel as if too much of the past is coming up today. That the things that you thought you were at peace with, actually still have something to teach you, still have something to show you. Instead of getting frustrated or upset with yourself or another even, utilize it as something to learn from to be humbled by and recognize that there are still other pieces to the puzzle that need to be completed by your awareness of the past.” 

“Today is very much an intense energetic day because of the full moon and because of the partial lunar eclipse. There is always release that happens with every full moon but this moon specifically connected with the eclipse is very much highly charged for a purge that is needed for all of Consciousness for all of the collective.”

“It is important to take care of yourself especially when the past comes up that you may not want to deal with but there is such beauty with the regression of looking at how far you have come and to recognize even more the direction that you want to go in. Now is the time to trust you’re inner being so deeply. Trust that you are putting closure to things that no longer serve you, things that you are fully done with and ready to allow to fall away. Strength within yourself for how far you have come and strength and empowerment to recognize that you are even more ready to allow in that abundance, that love, whatever it is that you have been longing for. Because in order to allow that in and to be at peace, the past must come up in order to be released to allow in that new energy.”

“And for many of you this is a long time coming this frequency that is going to be washing over all of you, that has already been there but will be more able to soak into your energetics now that this purging is coming to a deeper close. And of course as humans you will always have some aspect that needs to be purged because that is part of the human evolutionary experience. But through this paradigm shift that you are all in, there is immense closure coming forward. We know that it can feel scary it can feel daunting, but remember how powerful you are, remember how far you've come already. Take a pause to allow yourself to look back, to recognize who you are now. Who you have become and who you keep becoming and let that give you nourishment and peace to keep receiving and trusting that you are where you are meant to be in this very now moment. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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