Getting More Involved in your Spiritual Awakening & Expansion
Feb 12, 2020
We are immensely proud with the way that the collective consciousness is absorbing these energies. The magnification that is happening at this time is at such a high rate of frequency that we are monitoring you all connected to your teams specially if you are a descendant or star seed of the Arcturians. We are making sure that your systems can handle the upgrades that are coming through and for many of you it is in the dream state because then you are more receptive to understanding, gaining new insight, having other other un-earthly experiences.
What we want to speak of today is the power that you hold in the process of your awakening in the process of your ascension and the process of allowing these frequencies in and how to better navigate that. So for each and everyone of you it will all look different but what we have to give to you as tools or information is that you can interact with your team and if you feel that there is still a disconnect then we recommend reaching out to someone who can assist you in that connection to your team because that is what these frequencies are activating for you to recognize you are multidimensional. So when you are feeling theses frequencies coming in and sometimes they are too overwhelming for your system and you don't feel like you can get a break, you have every right and every power within yourself to ask for things to slow down in the integration and connected process to your energetic body, into your physical state.
Communicating how you feel also empowers you through this awakening process because then you don't feel that the situation is necessarily happening to you. It is happening for you but if you do feel like its harder than it needs to be, which it is a very strenuous process, not to be taken lightly in that way, very important but we want you to embrace more of the abundance that these frequencies and these upgrades bing to you. And especially if you feel like you can not decode them if you are having trouble processing in that way you can even set an intension before your dreams, or before you sleep to have more specific signs sent to you or even throughout your day. This way too you are interacting more with the universe with the energetic system with your team, etc.
There is an important also within this because then you recognize how you are co-creating how you are in the frequency from within and seeing it outside. That is the beauty of this interaction you can gain more strength and understanding and awareness the more that you actively take apart of the process of this awakening cycle. And the energies will be even more magnified and more clarity will come in within this next month due to the retrogrades of your planetary connections. We also want you to not be so hard on yourselves. We know that for some of you, you want to digest as much as you can and get through this healing process faster and faster, but there are divine steps that need to be taken at the right time. Because in that way we do not want your system to get overloaded as well, there is a flip side to each perspective that you all hold individually.
So what we do recommend is that through this process especially if you have already been aware for quite some time and feel that these frequencies coming in are throwing you off balance or that you want to engage more, astral travel for you is very important then. And also within that it may be overwhelming to witness what you do then experience so allowing yourself time to integrate and process is very important that is why we said we are monitoring you with your teams to make sure that you are ready for each step of consciousness that you take in your ascension. And for many of you, you will reach your maximum level of consciousness very soon and we are excited about that because then you will from that new state that you have risen to that level of consciousness then integrates into your physical body, then you are able to ground even deeper and then expand outward within your heart space, within the frequency of your energy field. So that is something to look forward to if you have not already been feeling that connection to your energetic body to your level of consciousness. And you will all be where you need to be at the right time and we are all very proud of you. Thank you for all the hard work that you are doing. It is helping everyone in the galaxy not just Earth alone, there is more at play here and we are excited to expand upon that as well. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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