Go with the Natural Flow of the Universe

Mar 01, 2019

“The energy for today March 1st is one of deep integration of everything you have gone through, through this past weekend. The preparation is still happening in terms of getting you ready for this shift into a different direction for yourself wholeheartedly. Today is also about stepping back and witnessing where you are ready to let things go.  Even the smallest of things, learning how to love yourself even deeper, deeper through this transition through this integration. Many of you are being more open and aware to what is going on, on a collective scale. And that is very exciting for us because we are here to help. Some of you are still weary of what is happening because there is of course still a possible shielding of your perspective through that lens of what you believe is reality and what reality actually is for you. And of course everyone has a different perspective of reality but when we refer to a shield we are speaking of old programming and layers of unneeded consciousness anymore, that are blocking you from seeing a broader perspective of what is your true reality. “

“Today is the day to sink in deeper to what you feel and what you want because then that way you can choose your barometer of choice of what feels more in alignment for you. You can even choose to let go of those blinders or that shield of old consciousness. Everyone is in a different place today especially but it is beautiful to witness this period of transformation that you are all going through. It is not going unnoticed in any way. So today as much as you can find the joy in all aspects and know that there is a brighter conclusion to everything that you have been working through. Yes it has been tumultuous and very bumpy along the ride but you are already through a huge portion of what is helping you to evolve deeper into this higher plane of consciousness, of frequency. The cleansing process is still happening on a natural flow, so allow that to come over you if you are ready to surrender deeper into that and know that you are in a beautiful place of growth and that the tides are turning in your favor to help you expand even deeper in all areas of your life. Raise your standards of what you feel you deserve and work on that communication with yourself to nurture yourself into a better feeling place to then be open to that abundance.  we are very proud of you until we speak again, We are the Arcturians”


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