Happily Ever After

Sep 10, 2019

We know that many of you are ready for your happily ever after. We know that many of you are already actually living your happily ever after. But a lot of you who already are do not recognize that you are. Because all of you are on the road, your journey, your personal path all the time. Which is meant to be your happily ever after even though that definition serves as everything seeming to be perfect.

So what is your definition of happily ever after? What can you embrace more within your everyday life through where you're at currently on your path, on your journey. To recognize that, yeah you are in a beautiful place! You have grown so much through everything that has come through your journey from the past. Being proud of yourself and loving yourself within that moment, is meant to be your “happily ever after” or at least that is how we see it through your definition of what you are trying to achieve through the idea of happily ever after. The more that you can love the journey the more abundance of what you are longing for will be drawn to you through your vibrational frequency that you exist in your human body with and around you.

You are multidimensional being that is giving out a frequency at all times, deeper than the law of attraction but again excepting yourself to know that you do deserve that relationship or that even material object of any kind. You deserve and are meant to have what you want and to live the souls expansion full life. The more that you can relax into knowing you are safe to do so and it will just maybe look differently than you are expecting the happily-ever-after to look like, it is happening. We promise you that but it is about how well you communicate with yourself and balancing that frequency of true alignment and how expansive that happily ever after can be is all up to you. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again."


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