How to Connect & Communicate with those who are Not Aware
Jan 25, 2020
We can see that for many of you this process of re-introducing new ways of communication with others can sometimes feel daunting when there seems to be so many limits that you come up against from others that are closed off. And it sometimes makes you question the point of trying to connect with those who seem too far gone to a certain degree. But again that is not necessarily always the case. For many that you witness that seem very in their own reality of illusion, they are serving a purpose in humanity by being that contrast. By even reflecting to you the polarization for you to then recognize how much you are in a different state of reality, through your awareness, through your level of consciousness.
So when you do feel that there is disappointment or sadness about how to reach those who seem in that state of victimization or in a state of hatred even, what we recommend is that you truly recognize that even in your own specific evolution not maybe in this carnation but in your past lives you have also been to where they have been. So holding that spark for them to be open to change and allowing your self to then recognize that you are of course responsible for the frequency that you admit, the frequency that you are creating by your choice of thought and then what you eminent out through your emotional energetic bodies. But recognizing it is not your job to help everyone find their own alignment. And that is what we can tell or witness that brings on that emotional state of even fear of the contrast. Fear of those who are unaware and can easily, if you allow to manipulate.
What we do then recommend is that when you are broached with someone who is in a state of victimization we will say again because a lot of the times when someone does reach out with a hateful comment it is from a place of still being in that frequency. So when you do meet them in that state, already coming into a state of compassion, recognizing there is something beyond that hatred their own sadness or pain that is causing the conversation of that energy to be activated. So instead of meeting someone with the same frequency, changing yours to then have them see there is a difference, there is a shift because you are not just meeting them face to face. And this is something you can also do within your own state of evolution, with your own triggers that you feel come up against you day in and day out. Having that observation just as you do as another. There is no need to again, worry about the state of humanity. It is coming together at its own synchronistic, energetic time and the more that you can relax in the moment the easier you will see that flow in every aspect of your life. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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