How to Embrace Vulnerability

Jan 30, 2020

We are very grateful for each and every one of you for being here today. The importance of what we have to speak about is something that we have been waiting for the right time to speak to humanity because it is a very sensitive subject because it is about the heart. About how to better interact with yourself and to recognize when those limits come in of trying to attack or pick at your self worth. All of you have of course the human layering that we do not have because we are of light, we have not experienced human form ever before. But within that there of course are going to always be aspects of duality in your life. Aspects of  the contrast within the light and dark within your thoughts within your emotions, you are all very aware of that. What we have for you today to bring more light to you, is how to recognize that the littlest things allow for you to open up in your heart space.

Being vulnerable is somewhat seen as a weakness we have noticed for humanity because if you are open and showing all of your self then it is possible that someone can come in and try to manipulate or harm you in some way. If you give all of your heart then how will you know if someone will take care of it ok if the past some how dictates a different story. But that is what we want you to turn in word and allow certain reframes coming into your body in terms of allowing that past contrast to show you what you didn't know that you know now.  How to recognize that even if someone does hurt you in someway or you feel rejection that feeling is showing you that, that is actually not true for your soul, that heart energy is the opposite of that. So again this is also tapping into the emotional body and allowing that feeling to be your Richter scale of what is the truth and what is the illusion. Because those illusions of rejection and fear of vulnerability are what has been used against you to stay small, to stay closed off to stay in a space that is actually not meant for any of you to live in much longer if at all ever again even within a dualistic world. 

And that is what is happening on a collective level there are new pathways being opened, new timelines coming in for you to remember that strength within your vulnerability. Allowing it to give you more courage to step into that energy and to allow yourself to recognize how powerful you are, how much love that you are containing and how much you can give. So the importance if you do feel that you are having to re-learn how to trust others especially is not yourself alone, that the more you can do little things to bring back that state of trust, nourishing yourself eating the right foods when you are hungry, the small little things will help for you to regain that strength of feeling strong and grounded within your vulnerability. As light workers many of you being called to step into your power even more and that is what we have been talking about how to be more open and vulnerable so that you can move into this place and feel grounded in it. 

You are all little antennas taking in these energies from the Earth and from above from the havens to allow your body to ground into this and expand through a heart centered space instead of just living within the root of survival. And you all can do it, you all are doing it. It is just allowing yourself to see those little walls of fear or protection that you have built in around your heart space that when you truly look at them for what they are, they are not really helping you in anyway any longer. They may make you feel more comfortable, more safe but it is not always where you feel safe that you grown and expand the most. So the more that you can do things that do scare you or cause that fear to be more in the forefront of your brain even though your heart may be saying another aspect to yourself, that way you can work through what the mind has conditioned you to believe and allow the heart to be more upfront and full focused for yourself.

Vulnerability is the way for the Collective Consciousness to truly unite as one. Even with having all of your differences still coexisting together the more that you are vulnerable and speak from your heart and create from your heart the more that you will start to see the flow and change culminating around you. Your body will physically feel better as well because you are operating from this natural instinctual love centered space. And we want that for all of you, for all of humanity. We are the Arctuians, until we speak again.


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