How to Heal and Integrate the Divine Feminine Energies- Pleiadian Channeling
Feb 03, 2020
We are very excited to be able to connect with you and this way. We know that some of you are aware of who we are and many more of you will be getting to know us on a new level through your dream state, through your team, through intuition of who we are. But what we have for you today the message that we have to bring is very much about the emphasis of healing the Feminine energy. And what we want to explain deeper is that for many of you regardless of gender, have a connection to a feminine energy because that is the origin of human through the feminine body.
So the beauty of what is happening at this time on Earth for the Collective that we have witnessed is that the remembrance is coming deeper into your body’s now of finding that connection to the emotional body to the Feminine energy, to mother Earth. And it is allowing for regeneration to happen within your cells within your DNA and this is also very important for those who do identify as a Feminine energy because for many starseeds and light beings they have a mission if you do not yourself and you will know if you have a mission by the resonating that you feel in your body of the yearning for unconditional love even deeper, that maternal energy. So what is happening is that these connections within your body are being activated through these frequencies and through the urging that you are receiving through your intuition about needing to allow old identifications and definitions of the Feminine energy to be collapsed.
Humanity is very much getting more intune and very much in need of this Feminine energy within all of you. This deeper frequency of love that is coming together to connect each and every one of you. And from our perspective, the Pleiadians we are working in the havens, at the Pleiadies to allow our crystalline grid, our energy field to be able to be stream down into the Earths consciousness through the Earth grid and through the crystalline grid that surrounds you all. So within this message we bring importance of connecting to the grids, connecting to nature, connecting to your light body so that you can allow more of these upgrades and light codes to come in. And many will happen in the dream state.
There still may be a lot of purging happening from these higher frequencies coming in but we do not want you to feel that it is a sign that the purging is meant for you to stay in pain or that there is no bright light at the end of the tunnel because purging is necessary on every level for your body specifically. So for many feminine energies, for you feminine beings you will be healing deeply core, core wounds that have been in your bloodline, in your anscestral past even within your galactic heritage we can call it. So that you can carve out new space for these new frequencies to come in and merge deeper. We want you to all remember that even if you have wounds that go very deep, that you feel so much pain the more that you can recognize what it has taught you what it has given you a lesson in or even just the fact that it is what has been building up from centuries and centuries to know be released.
And what we recommend if you need assistance with releasing these energies that do bubble up is to give it back to mother Earth, mother Gaia. Allow her to transform your pain allow her to magnify the connection again of what is coming in through this higher state of consciousness for you. And your physical body will be giving you signs and symptoms that this will be happening. Many of you will be experiencing your past lives as well and what we have to say for the masculine energy is that through the eyes of the Feminine consciousness we want you to recognize that there needs to be more equilibrium between the connection and view point and definition of each distinct energy. And the more forgiveness that can happen the deeper these past traumas will be healed and even if it is not a trauma specific it is levels of consciousness that have been built up into your system into your soul that are ready to be released and regenerated. For the masculine energy we thank you for allowing the Feminine this time to regenerate to be able to be open for this healing process within yourselves within the Collective. You are actually leading a great deal of support more than you know. Many of you will also be experiencing immense heart expansion because it is time to reconnect to this loving energy that is more normal for us Pleiadians but still in a state of remembrance for all of Humanity. It will be waves and waves of frequency coming in for you all. Especially over this next calendar year, as you like to measure time. We are the Pleiadians, until we speak again.
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