How to Merge your Thoughts better with your Emotions
Jan 28, 2020
We are recognizing that many of you have begun to understand that it is important what you think, what you speak in the world what you say to yourself. Your words have frequency and it is connected to your emotional body. But what we want to go into in a deeper matter today is about how for example, when you have affirmations that you play on a loop or even set an intention to speak and create that energy, which we love. We have noticed that it can cause a disconnect if you are closed off emotionally and in connection to what you are utilizing as an affirmation. So one can say a certain phrase but if there are still energetic layers or even blockages connected to that belief or thought that is manifested in the physical body, that word or statement can only go so far.
So what we recommend if you feel that there is a hindrance or that you've been practicing manifesting something into your life and you feel that it is not happening, there is still something in the way. What we recommend is that you take a deeper look at where in the body that specific mantra or thing you are manifesting or wanting to manifest is connected to. For example if it is connected to a relationship you want to manifest, where in the heart could there be a blockage or closed off, underlying layer that is counter intuitive to that mantra or that thought that you telling yourself. Because even if you are saying certain affirmations but you actually hear internally beyond that surface layer of a mantra or affirmation you tell yourself you are still unworthy, you still feel out of alignment and you focus on that lack.Then there are two opposing frequencies that are not going to be able to resolve themselves unless you allow yourself to tap into that emotion, tap into that possible pain or fear that you will never possibly have that, that you are desiring. But that is not the case for any of you.
You are all powerful creators of what you can choose to create and what you feel through that energy and frequency. So a way to go beyond even affirmations or recognizing what your internal dialogue is even when you say a certain positive statement listen to your body. Feel where there is tightness and where there can be that manifestation and layering of old stagnant energy. Because this is all about you all understanding that you are multidimensional beings. So the way that you can interact with yourself even deeper on that level has everything to do with your emotional state. And yes your emotional can range from so many different spectrums of it all. But when you question those aspects it will bring more insight to you and allow yourself to see that maybe something from the past has still been infiltrating into your energetic system. So even with that it is allowing yourself to be open and to receive in new forms and to allow there to be new ways of communication.
What we are witnessing too is that for the masculine energy on a collective scale and you all carry the feminine and the masculine energy. There are deeper conversations and healing happening for the feminine energy to be rebirthed and now what we are seeing is that the masculine energy of the rational logical mind is being more and more open to the emotional state of reality. And that is partly the cause of why you have seen so much suppression even the destruction of mother Earth, it is the fear that has arised from the rational logical old masculine energy. And there is no reason to blame the masculine energy for that suppression because even within that suppression caused by the masculine to the feminine energy, there has even been suppression within the term of masculinity and that is what we are trying to get at.
The thoughts that you think actually are created somewhat from your emotional state of reality from that energetic space. That is why the emotions are so beautiful to tap into and that is what we have to share with you because we speak more from a telepathic, energetic emotional state of reality and we wish to help you as much as we can with re-understanding how beautiful and how much you can utilize that on a daily basis. So even if you'd rather switch away from mantras and feeling more into asking yourself how do I feel? How do I want to feel, how can I feel better? Finding things that make you feel the way that you want to live your life is the key to keep manifesting and cycling through this healing process. Allowing yourself to feel the pain allow yourself to get angry in a healthy way to allow it to cycle through. We want you to become friends with your emotions because that is what connects you back into the multidimensional reality, back into the Earth, back into the havens back into yourselves. And that is also what will help your higher self rise above even beyond the state of consciousness that it at and allow yourself to ascend and merge deeper with those as a whole. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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