How to Redefine Love
Jan 24, 2020
We are excited because at this very moment in time we can speak to you in a way that we have never really spoken to humanity before. In a way that allows for a better energetic conversation about how to redefine love. Redefine what that looks like and how you can better interact with it. Because yes you all are love in whatever facet you feel love to be. But again at the same time it is re-understanding and redefining for your own personal self what that can be because there are variations of love. Love is all around you. But unconditional love is something that many of you are longing for beyond just the word of love because it gives more expanse to the energies or the feeling of more wholeness. And what we define love as, from the human experience is a true amount of compassion and acceptance of everything being as it is. Finding the beauty in every little thing in every molecule of your being, of the earth, of even the darkness or your own shadow self. Finding love for the acceptance of all of everything.
From the Arcturian perspective we also witness things energetically so words do not always fully connect or express what we witness on a telepathical, energetical level. And that is why we were saying there is deeper connection now that we can communicate even through the words that are spoken because the energy is then emanating out and activating within your system a new recognition of what love is, of who you are. Recognizing then again how to recalculate and realign and allow everything to flush and assimilate into new ways of understand for yourself. And that will look different depending on where you are in your journey and where in your level of consciousness you are meant to ascend to. Because every human has there own different level of ascension and will experience similar symptoms but not all the same because that is also then what is so beautiful of how to connect as a community in a spiritual sense of love. Having that openness and not saying one is right or wrong and feeling hurt or hindered if its different than anothers.
Allowing yourself to question everything also allows for old definitions to expand or even be demolished. And that is what we are hoping for humanity. We are hoping that more and more language is not a barrier for any of you or gender or race or religion, that is what love is beyond all of that differentiation of what the human experience looks like to you in an isolated manner. It is beyond all of that it is the energy.
The more that you all take the time to meditate, to silence the body in some manner or form that feels the best for you, the more that you will then get more insight and recognize that true connection beyond the identity of self. Because that is what we have noticed the identity that you all cling to for personal expression or “identity” of this is me, can sometimes add too many more layers that you are already trying to dismantle. So it is just something to think of when you may feel like you are being hindered or feeling a lack of love. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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