How to Work with the New Frequencies coming into Earth
Jan 27, 2020
We are excited to inform all of you who are watching this transmission or even witnessing and feeling these energies that are making their way to earth in a new state of consciousness. These energies that you have almost been anticipating, anticipating the change that they are bringing the change that you have been long far, we are excited to tell you that they are already coming in. And the way you can notice if they are coming into your reality is how you're engaging with others how you are engaging with yourself. If you are still holding yourself to high expectations of right or wrong or finding or looking for that instant gratification of your own self worth, then these energies will help bring more attention to those details, attention to those limits for you to examine deeper if you so chose.
The process of the human evolution and what is currently happening within the shift of reality for humanity, for the collective consciousness is to recognize how energy truly works in your life. How frequency is apart of everything, re-understanding that because many of you have not been allowed or open to that perception of reality. So these energies on a global scale will bring in more connectedness through these feelings of contrast through these feelings of what then feels in alignment. So what does feel in alignment will also be amplified. You will see things from new perspectives even if you do not necessarily want to because it will be shown to you through these energies that are streaming down and even coming up back from the Earth as well. So you are almost getting sandwiched in a blanket we would like to call it so it doesn't seem to daunting or scary because we do not want to scare you in any way.
But it is something more to witness as a utilization tool to connect deeper to the Earth and the natural flow and to then go up into the heavens as you are grounded, to allow your physical body to accept these energies and then in that way the process of seeing these amplifications and whatever that looks like in your own personal life maybe easier to digest through that grounded-ness through that openness. And we want to reiterate that the grounded-ness is very crucial and necessary because some of you can be up in the heavens and feel such connection to the angelic realm or the etheric realm, even to us. But if you are not grounded some of those frequencies may not fully be able to integrate into your physical body and simultaneously flush and bring into your awareness the levels of consciousness that are cycling through.
And how do you ground? You can ground by simply feeling your feet even on the earth or even on concrete. Recognizing that through your physical body you can reconnect to the wholeness of yourself, connecting that spirit and the body and the mind. That is what true consciousness in its full framework of a higher state of consciousness is ultimately perceived or can be experience in a balanced manner. Going out into the nature that is around you or even traveling more into a different aspect of nature will also help you be even more grounded. Because if you follow your intuition of what feels the best instinctely then that can also be where your grid point of frequency is at a higher velocity to experience and to download and to upgrade. But even through your own visualization of nature of grounding, even eating earthy foods, potatoes and vegetables will help to detox and settle your mind for the emotional body to analyze and assimilate all of what is happening. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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