Illumination of Your Whole Self

Feb 19, 2019

“We are excited that you are asking about the energies of this full moon because it is definitely one of great importance. It is Illuminating all that is ready to be released in a way that goes to a deeper part of each core wound of every soul of humanity. Some Souls may not be ready for this deep introspection or even release but what is happening is an opportunity to scoop out all of those old conditionings and limits of the Mind. Past trauma that has been holding you back in ways of feeling undeserving of a happier life. The Human Experience is about the evolutions of one's consciousness. Experiencing things that will help evolve if you choose to step in that direction.”

“So this full moon is bringing to light where you can make that choice and change your direction of focus. To accepting the past as way of showing you what you do deserve. The contrast is meant to help serve your evolution, for you to gain a different perspective and not fall into victimization.  Nurturing love is coming into your Collective consciousness, to help flush out these old conditions and old Shadows of yourself. Even if you are experiencing emotions of anger or fear or judgment, whatever you may be experiencing with these energies today know that you are safe to express those and to let them come to the surface. You are not meant to suppress certain emotions or thoughts because when you do so you are stagnating your energy. You have every right to be angry but the key is to not be stuck in your anger and let it hold you back.  Allow yourself to feel those emotions and then gain a different perspective of what way to then move forward accordingly.  You have the opportunity even without these energies coming in from the full moon to take charge of your evolution and to see beyond the illusion that your world has created for you in terms of what reality really is. You are meant to do more than just pay bills. You are meant to be abundant beyond your imagination and to feel creativity and express creativity in every way that each individual is meant to bring forth.” 

“So today we wish for you to understand how beautiful your individual energy is and how as you are an individual human being, you are also connected to the multi-dimensional ways of true reality. The frequency that you are is meant to help expand all of the other beings into their own frequency and to realize there is no separation or lack.”  

“We know that it is a daunting and scary task at times for you to come into that state of awareness and to boldly profess who you are even as you are still getting to know yourself. But there is nothing wrong with changing and fluidly moving into all areas and aspects of yourself. The more that you can go with the flow of emotions that you feel in your system the easier you will have along this journey, because then you will not be trying to control and that way your mind will subside and your emotions and feelings will be more in the forefront for you to understand what your feelings and your body's intelligence is trying to communicate to you. Because the more that you step away from those old conditions the more your higher self, your true frequency, will come through. We are sending you nurturing energy to help you blossom deeper into this state of true expansion. These energies are here to help support you and even if you do feel more intensity of fear or stress, allow yourself to let all of that go and find ways of nurturing yourself through that emotion.  Go to the water or find ways of Mother Nature, the natural flow of existence and trust that you are meant to be where you are at. All is well. We are the Arcturians until we speak again”


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