Libra Full Moon Cleanse
Apr 19, 2019
“We can see that this week especially has been more tumultuous than you ever expected. The intensity of this full moon in Libra is brining to light all that needs to be realigned within yourself and within the relationships that you have with everything else. Many of you are recognizing where toxic relationships are no longer serving you or even on the very minut level of toxicity where it may not be an extreme harshness of toxicity but yet just recognizing that you do not feel that you deserve that anymore or need that in your existence. There is nothing wrong with recognizing that it is time to move on. We know that you have already experienced this level of purged from the last full moon in Libra but now it is more of a completion energy so that everything that you felt before you know have a second glance at those attributes or situations. The main purpose of this energy in cleanse coming through for the collective is to step deeper into your own power. By doing so you honor yourself by allowing situations to be transmuted or to find a new guidance system with yourself to then create more harmonious relationships. Because in that you are giving yourself more space to listen to your inner guidance and then to move forward accordingly.”
“We know this is not easy especially if you're dealing with a multitude of different relationships or even just limiting beliefs that you already have within your conscious mind. The energy will start to dissipate from its level of intensity and it will be more of a settling in and feeling less triggered and less on edge, because of this cleansing process and this opportunity for release.”
“What is also coming through is the ability to feel deeper into unconditional love. Because once those limitations and barriers are gone, your heart can then connect deeper to your true sense of what love is. Many of you have never experienced true love, unconditional love, your true essence of self, so now this is the opportunity to recognize that you deserve to understand what that really is and to redefine what love is for you and what ways you wish to allow it in and honor yourself in loving ways. Because from our perspective we have noticed that most of humanity does not truly understand what love is because of the disillusion that has been cast over your perception of it or the definition by way of society saying you are lovable if.. fill in that blank with whatever condition. We are here to tell you that if there is any condition around love then that is not love. Unconditional love, true love shows you how to connect deeper than just the surface because conditional love is very ego based or superficial to a certain degree we could say.”
“So today is also an opportunity to reflect on what love is for you. Because when you start to understand what love is or what you would like it to be, what you feel most in alignment with, then you can start from a new place and that new understanding of how to love yourself and how to show others true compassion and love. Even if others may not be able to give you that in return, still loving them unconditionally for where they are at. Because everyone needs compassion and love and deserves unconditional love no matter where they are at mentally or emotionally or physically. That is something we wish for all of humanity to understand on some level, that there are no barriers or conditions that could ever hold you away from feeling the love that is already innate within you. Yes you may feel disconnected from it at times but that does not mean that it does not exist and it's not there for you to tap into, everything is frequency.”
“We are grateful for all of your hard work and diligence to keep moving forward through these intense energies.This full moon is also one of nurturing self care and self-love, even though it is all so deeply connected to release. So wherever you are at today acknowledge how far you have come and how much beauty you have yet to experience from your now new perspective on life and what your relationship can keep growing into be. There is abundance all around you and we are excited to see these higher frequencies come in now that these lower energies are being transmuted we are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”
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