Love is All Around

Oct 16, 2019

We're very glad that many of you are taking in this level of encouragement from us, from your surrounds even not just from us Arcturians. But for many of you it is still very heavy energy even if you are feeling pockets of lightness and upliftment. What is happening at this time is that for many of you, timelines are collapsing and allowing you to integrate the past even past lives..

To absorb the information that you have learned from any pain or trauma and then to bring that forward in your current moments depending on how much that collapse of timeline has become. So that you can move forward not holding on to the past in a way of protection but to embrace the entirety of your being and your experiences so that you can then create a new plateau for your soul. A plateau of understanding that you are surrounded by so much love, at all times and in every way. And that is what those pockets of lightness are, those pockets of joy or maybe you are feeling it in longer amounts which is beautiful and we are happy. But at this time it is important for you to not evade any feeling that comes up. Each of your emotions has something to teach you and it can actually help you gauge what is right or wrong within the mind. And not necessarily saying that one is right or wrong but, we should say in level of frequency. What is a higher frequency thought and your emotions can tell you by how it feels. Trust your emotions. Trust what you feel we have so much love for you and we are very proud. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.


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