Multidimensional Reality coming forwar

Aug 15, 2019

We are very happy to see that more and more of you are coming together to discuss your views and beliefs. This helps you personally and collectively to evolve even deeper because when you come from an open mind and heart there is new ground being covered with that communication.  There doesn't need to be a right and a wrong within your lives anymore, but for some there is still a hold onto that old reality. The more that you can allow things to flow within your own mind and body the easier it will be through this transformation into the new reality of multidimensional awareness.  There is so much to be gained through this way of understanding and so much to expand upon. This full moon is highlighting those areas of old beliefs and also showing you where within that release and change what beautiful magic can take its place. Because that is the energy that you are surrounded by, magic. The universe is a beautiful interconnected geometric system that is supporting each and everyone of you, allow yourself to feel that support and allow things within your life to be guided through this time. Having an open heart will allow this energy to connect with you in the deepest of ways. And know that even if you are feeling fear it doesn't mean that you are not safe through this process, change can be scary but know that this new energy and change has your best and highest interest in mind and for all of those involved. What are you wanting to create in your reality? Trust that those desires will manifest but be open to how they come about in your life, let them be touched by magic and trust the divine timing of the universe. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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