New Workings of Balancing
Dec 17, 2019
Today is very much about finding a new balance internally with your inner dialog with your inner true light of self and your true shadow self or your past conditioned self we could call it. In terms of this it will look different for each and every one of you but what you will be met with today are old archetypes of yourself or even current archetypes that are still holding old frequencies of limitation and lack and showing you where you can now move into if you so choose to move beyond those limits. But again it is about finding this new balance of duality recognizing that even when you are in contrast or have a thought of limiting belief it does not mean that you are subjected or need to, obligated in any way to hold that frequency or to look at it consistently or to try and get rid of it in some way or shape or form.
This is very much about allowing yourself to have this abundant state of being and to recognize the power that you have within every moment to choose that thought of frequency. So going deeper into it, it is very much about giving yourself that power back to choose what feels right for you. But again even within looking in the shadow there is so much to learn from your old self. So allowing yourself to be open and be more in a state of balance that allows you to witness, allows you to be more objective than subjective to the past and then recognizing what is being opened up for you, where are new doors of opportunity waiting for you to step into and allowing in this new frequency that is happening for all of collective for everyone in the beautiful state of evolution.
For you specifically many of your teams are ready to deeper connect to you and this can be done through meditation and it can be done through even having an intension set forward for you to be able to open up deeper. All of your abilities as a collective even are very significant to your own frequency that you hold and where you are at, at this current time line everything is unfolding in accordance to what you are more ready for. So again if you are not fully aware of the limits that you have or are still in a place of fear over your own self expansion than you will still be continuing to purge. So each and every one of you are at different places some are ready to open up deeper to their teams, some still need to purge and of course even as you do open up and allow more abundance to come into your emotional, mental and energetic reality then there is still something to need to let go of or to release from your own DNA from your system and that is happening on a collective scale.
The infinite ability that you all carry is prominent and even more so coming into this new year and that is what these next few weeks are about to allow yourself to be in a more neutral place of allowing the abundance to permeate even deeper and to not be afraid of your glory of your light of the collective coming together in such a beautiful United Way that shows all Humanity who each and everyone of you are. And what the beauty of this Earth experience has really held for many of you through all of your past lives and incarnations that you have worked so hard to then reach to this very moment and you are all doing beautifully.
So again today is very much about finding a new balance with yourself in terms of what you believe and what conditions are maybe still trying to hold you back from or even just trying to teach you. There is so much love for each and every one of you and the more that you can recognize what holds more value for yourself and not needing anyone's validation or confirmation that that feeling of truth is okay or valid, then gives you even more empowerment because then you have that interdependence of your own light which expands even deeper into that solidification of your true frequency. But of course within the human experience that is very much about what the collective is going through having new conversations having new dialogue with one another having this pinging ponging offing point to then recognize what can be even deeper worked through within your body within your mind. But again as always we recommend, as much as you can in-word focus that will then help clear up your vibration that is then permeating outside of yourself that you were meeting on a daily basis that you are feeling the contrast of. And even within the contrast there is so much to embrace and love because it gives you a better awareness of everything you are co-creating with, everything that you. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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