Positive Golden Energy is Waiting For You

Feb 21, 2019

“Today is about a day of stepping into amazing abundance for yourself. Golden Light is coming down to earth now to help shower it with so much love and attention to all the areas that you have worked deeply in now to harness this new way of being. To truly understand who you are from this new Perspective. This new perspective of who you can be without those limits holding you back and what you now see as a new spectrum of your horizon. The full moon energy is lifting day-by-day within this shadow period. So now that that is lifting, that denser energy is leaving so that this new horizon can be open for you and your frame of possibilities and different outcomes.” 

“The energy that we feel for today that is coming to you is one of almost flurries of energy of high frequency, snow if you will but in golden beautiful dusting of your auras, of the collective consciousness. It is a beautiful opposition of what you felt yesterday of the turmoil and swirling energy still lingering from this expansion and this release. The more that you can step into this new energy the more you will be able to feel grounded within your dreams and within this new frame of vision. Today is yet still another day too come to terms with the limits or possible comfortable areas that you have been staying in your life. How can you possibly see them in a different light to really understand if they are serving you any longer. Because now as this releases is slowly dissipating from the full moon energies there is still are smaller fragments of energy now the minut details are being squeezed out into your awareness, to really analyze every aspect. And there is nothing wrong with staying in a comfortable place but it is the comfortability of that possible situation or thought, it is different for everyone of you but, where can you let something go that maybe has served you long enough so that you can allow yourself to blossom into this new energy. To utilize this raining down of positive energy on to Earth right now the collective Consciousness is needing it to expand but it is also up to you, to a certain degree about what you will allow in.” 

“As we spoke of yesterday to the completion, it has come in deeper now and that is how this positive energy will reach most of you from a state of more balance already being obtained. So allow yourself to still sink deeper into that new foundation for yourself because even though this positive energy is coming down there is no rush to utilize it or to fully even understand what that looks like for you and your life what that positive new insight has brought to you. Integration is very important and is also a tool of flowing with the natural unfoldment of it just as is healing a trauma. Everything has its own time. You are all meant to be where you're at and what you are consciously working through. These are just the daily energies or experiences that we can give to you to help you also gained more insight and realize you are not there on Earth doing it alone. We are with you. We have your back, like so many other beautiful entities and energies and the Earth that you exist on. until we speak again we are the Arcturians.”


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