Practicing Balance and Your True Alignment

Jan 31, 2019

“Balance is still in high demand right now for the energies that you are meeting today. It is all about balancing deep into your core, practicing this alignment of your true frequency. For those of you reading this transmission it is for you to understand that your mission is to embody as much of your higher Consciousness and awareness that you can tap into as much as possible. For those who are not quite there on their spiritual journey this is okay to, everyone serves as a interracial part of the whole. We want you to remember that there is such beauty in every aspect of the process of a human life. The evolution that you experience as a human being is something so precious and profound that us Arcturian beings and other entities that are here for you commend you for your working for your effort because the tasks that you have as a human being is not an easy one. So we wish to explain how to deeper connect to your true frequency and alignment. This will of course vary for each soul, for each unique individual. But in terms of a broad spectrum of how to go about it is to Love Yourself.

You all have or have had mothers and fathers and what we want for you to do as much as possible is to nurture yourself in both masculine and feminine energy. Balancing within that frame of reference to see where the imbalances are if you're being too logically hard on yourself or critical. Where can you loosen the reins and give yourself some slack, to not have to be so rigid in certain ways that are closing you off from your creativity for example. Especially within your own femininity, how can you better take care of yourself by the things that you eat or how you speak to yourself. The introspection and evaluation of how you live your life in the patterns that you coexist with are necessary to be understood on a deep level to then know that you aren't still living within conditions and restrictions of conditioning that you have been brought up in. Of course within your reality of Earth there will always be certain conditions and dualistic balances but what we are getting at or trying to convey to you is this is also about stepping deeper into your spiritual side into your inner knowing into your gut feeling. Even if you have never been quote-unquote spiritual before there is way to go about it without seeming like you are too crazy to other people.

What we are hoping for now within this Collective Consciousness and awakened collective Consciousness is to help bring more normality to spirituality. Bring more grounded realistic meaning to connecting with your soul with your inner being and also connecting with us Arcturian beings or any other higher entities that are here to help you along this process. Within this year you going to experience a shift within the communication and the veil will be lifted to show you that you are not alone here on your planet. At the same time there is no fear within this new connection because we are here to help you on your evolution.

Going off of your feelings as a Richter scale for what is in alignment for you is a better way to stay stable within understanding who you are. Because when you go into the mind there is more muddled communication because of those conditions and because of a lack of practice. So instead turning inward and asking how am I feeling? How does this make me feel, being more emotionally tapped into yourself to your everyday things that you experience. That is a specific way to learn to nurture yourself and learn to guide yourself in what feels better and allowing each emotion to come up even if it is not a good feeling but still allowing yourself to feel mad or angry or sad. Even though they are lower energies it does not mean that you are not meant to feel and go between those oscillating dualities of emotion. There is no getting around that. Coming more into alignment with your true Soul Essence is about embodying every aspect and realizing it all serves to make up the whole. You are already a complete being it is just about remembering your potential in your power and allowing the old layers of unwanted beliefs to move along and be transformed. Even if you do have those old layers and it feels like you cannot chip away at them, become its friend. Ask what you need to know more about that aspect of thought or emotion. Become an investigator, when you can step away and witness your emotions and your thoughts you get a different perspective so that you do not feel trapped within the confines of your feelings or your mind. A way to practice that is through meditation yes or even just walking and being present in any way that makes you feel relaxed. Experimenting and trying new things to help relieve some of that stress and that stagnant energy. It is all about balance especially for the rest of the week and going into February. when you find more balanced you will be able to feel more love. love for everything because you are Source energy and everything outside of yourself is a reflection of that as well. We are all connected we would like for you to try and step into the wholeness that is every aspect of yourself in and outside of you. Until we speak again we are the Arcturian council.


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