Purification and Rebalancing

Feb 11, 2019

“The energy of February 11th is all about understanding how you are reflecting where you are at out into the world. The reality that you exist in is merely a reflection and a mirror of who you are. Some people may not be understanding of that or want to accept that because that is somewhat of a harsh reality to come to terms with within your human existence. Because if there are things outside of yourself including in your reality that you don't like then how is that any part of yourself. “

“What we wish to show you and what we are hoping each soul will take away from today is that within that there are so many aspects to love. Even in those aspects that don't feel lovable, realizing that there is still nothing wrong with those aspects because they are still nearly the opposite of the other.  Just like night and day. There is nothing to condemned about yourself. We hope that you can see through this disconnected void that you've experienced to realize how to integrate those parts and love yourself anyway because that is still an aspect of you.  It shows you what direction to go in and it gives you strength through knowing your Darkness, to realize how powerful you really are in both Realms of your life.” 

“To go into it deeper, today is going to be about that self-acceptance of where you're at.  Realizing that if you do have those disconnects of love in your system or outside in your Existence in the world that you perceive, that is a way to use it as a point of reference to realize what you do want to keep creating. How to  rebalance that to keep bringing more positive energy in and keep going down a higher evolving path so you can step out of those denser energies that you may not like to associate yourself with. Yet even if you are consisting of a higher frequency and not so much in those lower limitations or actions of denser lower frequency, still doesn't mean you will not be able to tap back into that if you so choose.” 

“This weekend has allowed many of you, through the energy change and specially that you are feeling through the weather, the cold that is coming in and so many parts of the world now to help actually clear the energetic cords by the cold energy facilitating this cleanse of mind.  It is bringing to life the aspects that needed to be shifted through this void of period from this new energy.  This concept may be hard to understand at this moment in time from where you're at because it seems too far out of an idea. But from what we can see and what we wish to tell you it is that positive energy is flooding into your collective consciousness energy field within the earth that is not penetrating into every soul that is ready and willing to accept this new upgrade through the disengaging of old limitations to then be open and in the place of hearted surrender. Surrender to one's personal inner growth and the direction of a higher fulfillment. To move beyond the old minds limitations or past traumas to exceed beyond your potential and know that you can still keep going in the right path even if you don't always know all the answers of how to get there.”  

“Purification is happening now to help you rebalance and find your footing because these energies are of a strong high frequency and are here to help connect with you in ways of positive thought especially. Through way of emotion. You will feel more nurturing energy in your own system and start to express more self-love and love for everything outside of yourself. It is a beautiful Evolution within one encapsulated day. We are very excited to see it unfold for each and everyone of you because it is all so unique. We know that you are tired, so please rest as much as you can through this purification and rebalancing that is continuously unfolding for you and you are doing beautifully!  Until we speak again we are the Arcturians”


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