Relearning Self-love

Jun 13, 2019

“At this time today specifically there is so much energy for you in any aspect that you are desiring. As we mentioned before there are upgrades happening and within that aspect there are multiple opportunities for you to tap into. Making a decision from where you're at at this point does not need to be so serious because there are boundless directions for you. And even if you do stay in opportunities that still hold more of the past energy, there is then still more to learn from. So there is no wrong answer or direction just whatever you feel is right for you in this moment or the next.” 

“If you are still in a place of self judgment or blame or anger or even fear, know that there's something to learn from those energies and the majority of the time especially with these upgrades coming through, it is to recognize that you deserve to love yourself, you deserve to feel loved, you are lovable. Relearning how to be a nurturing aspect to yourself is what blame and fear show you. That discomfort that you feel with those emotions helps you to then understand what there is to learn. And sometimes staying in those emotions can be an endless cycle or feel like one. So it is your opportunity to take yourself out of that emotion and witness it from a different perspective to then realize that you are more than those emotions, those thoughts, those feelings. They are aspects of who you are they are not your entirety. You are whole in that duality. So it is learning to practice how to find a better feeling thought and to have that introspection to keep growing and evolving and not just suppressing those emotions because that does not do you any service either. But many of you are understanding this now and we are supporting you through this understanding through this new communication with yourself and with others. Today is very much supporting your growth. Your growth of more abundance than you can even imagine.” We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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