Shine your unique Light

Oct 24, 2019

We wish to commend you all for your diligence and self-discipline through this energy that you are feeling coming in from the new moon and just also everything that has been culminating through your entire lifetime and centuries back for you to be in this place of new beginnings. This place of reintegration of your power the reintegration of your soul on a very deep level.

We know that this energy is very intense and it's not always easy to understand what is happening when you feel that you are always being tested and triggered or even just flat-out exhausted. But everything as we have said before serves a purpose and we know and can tell that many of you are having these Aha and Epiphany moments that reconnect the dots to that pain to give better understanding of what you can now let go of or what you can now move into. 

Simultaneously it is all happening at once for you in a whole package for you to digest and reintegrate. Today specifically there are many light codes and unconditional love frequencies coming into all of your systems. And there are always things to access within your auric field within your energetic body. Once your body has purged a certain level of denser energy it is then able to absorb through that auric field and come into our physical body to help that reintegration. And that is what is happening for many of you at this time even if it is happening on a subconscious level.

This is also to explain to you why you may be feeling such contrast and polarity of emotion or even just mental confusion through feeling so much at once, we could say. This weekend is very much about re-understanding how to be in your power and what that truly means and it's not anything that takes away from another, or something to feel guilty about even if you do still see someone else suffering. When you all can step deeply into your unique self and understanding of this love of this life that you are living and your mission here, you can then start to see that there is abundance for all! There is support from each of your angels and guides. Please do not lose any hope for the abundance that your journey is always bringing to you but may not always feel like in every moment. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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