Stripped to Your Core

Nov 08, 2019

We can see that there is the shift happening within all of your hearts and all of your minds connected to that aspect of self worth, of self love. Really questioning what you deserve what is possible and we are here to tell you that there is no limit. The only limit is if you stay within only the mind which we know that many of you are aware of. But knowing this it is healing that old fragment of yourself that has been told otherwise or experienced pain or trauma when you thought you were doing what was best for you that then caused pain. Because certain aspects in the past have happened in ways that you did not necessarily want to experience, it does not mean that you are undeserving of abundance due to the having of that pain or trauma.

Through this understanding forgiveness is able to flush your system to cleanse and reorientate your perspective that then causes that self-doubt to be released as well. You are able to tap into those aspects of deservability of self-worth. It is about reactivating your awareness and strength and courage around them, whatever it may be that you are desiring but feeling unworthy of. The heart within every one of you is longing for your unique expression, your unique light. You are all beautiful anchors of light within the collective. You deserve to be able to overcome and reintegrate those lower energies which allow then that deeper expansive love to come forward. The layers are being stripped very intensely at this time to your very core so that you can see the true essence of your soul and of your shadow. It will not be long before most of humanity becomes aware of this limitlessness that you have all been already surrounded in already dwelling with inside of you. So take steps to appreciate all of those aspects. You are loved. You are deserving. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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