The Evolutionary process of Introspection
Mar 28, 2019“We are very excited to see that you are now starting to feel more of this positive energy coming through. We know that it is not an easy task to reframe old patterns of thought. We know that it is not something that seems very natural due to the way that you have all been programmed to believe or think or feel of any kind. The dogma that has been instilled within your cultures for ages now, is starting to be shooken up and questioned. The moment something becomes a questionable item, the power it then regains thruway of introspection and allowing new possibilities to be available. Because that is essentially what you are doing at this time, you are opening up that conversation with yourself and with others, to broaden your horizons and wonder where reality really exists and begins. What we have to say on that subject is that it all depends on your point of awareness and what you choose to believe. “
“Because when you believe a thought or situation you become a match to that frequency into that energy of that thought or situation. So then it becomes real through the attention that it holds. So within saying that there is then the power that you all have, the power that you all have as humanity to come together and be proud of your uniqueness and your differences. To let go of this competition of needing to be right in order to be better or feel better or feel safe, through old way of domination. You have already all come a very long way and today is about feeling some relief with now Mercury going direct and not being in retrograde but yet there are other aspects that are making you feel obscured. The point of that is so that you still allow this introspection to happen and to open and awaken all of your multi-dimensional senses. Maybe not all for each and every one of you but to broaden your horizons even beyond your belief of just the tangible world that you live in.”
“We know this can be overwhelming so it is something to take in stride and recognize that it is all an evolutionary process. For some it will come quicker and others that will have more resistance. There is no right or wrong way to experience any of these energies today or any day, but we are excited because you were already making a beautiful leap into the unknown by questioning and being open to that nothingness or to that space in between knowing or not knowing. Many of you are being rebirthed in this level of Consciousness now and are coming back online to your truer selves and that is a very exciting thing to witness. So keep doing the great work that you are doing and rest as much as possible to help balance yourself through these energies and self nurturing is definitely apart of this evolutionary process. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”
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