The Integration of the Light and Shadow
Nov 04, 2019
It is very important at this time to trust the flow of energy that is pushing you along your journey. This doesn't mean that the energy is always going to feel uplifting but in the way of trusting that whatever emotions that are coming up today and on a daily basis. Its helping you to release more of the resistance that you have been living within and learning new ways of incorporating a healthier balance. This energy that is coming in is also very potent with codes and frequencies from the galactic council and coming from your higher self. Many of you have already been integrating your higher selves but now that is going a step further within understanding the energies that are being integrated. Many of you are warriors of the light and have already experienced this evolution of light expansion within the energetic sense and now feeling how much you have already made a mark within the collective consciousness.
There has been a bigger shift happening within this last month and within the next few weeks about how you all interact with the shadow aspect of the world and within yourselves. There has been a reintegration of how you interact with everything as a whole and what that now means moving forward as light workers. You are all doing amazing work and we commend you for all of your hard work and emotional purging that may still be continuing to flow through your systems. Now is also a time where the more you can release expectations of old concepts or rigid thinking and trying to control, the easier things will flow into this new balance of energy. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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