The Purging Process

Oct 07, 2019

We are very proud of all of you at this very moment in time. The weekend energies that you have just experienced or may still be experiencing have been very much about the assistance of another deep purge. Which we know that it is not very exciting for you because it is tumultuous at times or very strenuous on your body and your emotions. But the reason why we are so proud of you is because many of you have already have come through that purge even quicker and even more balanced on the other side.

The energies especially astrologically at this time are utilizing and amplifying the way that your body regenerates, the way that your body cycles to evolve especially within your own mind within your energetics. It is helping to ground the pure positive energy this high frequency that is coming in and being poured upon the collective and then facilitating that purge. So yours systems and energetics specifically are being washed in this new beautiful bright light. Which then of course brings up those traumas or whatever is stagnant within your own physical body and then allows you to recognize what it is by feeling it so intensely. To then find the connection of what happened in the past or what is within your lineage even, that you are meant to clear through this physical feeling, through this purge, through this exchange of energy.

The purging process will happen throughout your entire life in any aspect that is just how The Human Experience goes but of course at this time for many of you, your soul is ready for a deeper expansion and that is why the last two years specifically have been so intense. But we wish to again give you are ample gratitude for the work that you have done specifically this weekend. You may not be able to see the changes physically yet through this hard work, but you will soon be able to recognize the change within yourself if you are not feeling it already. You will start to see the change in humanity how more connected and loving people are automatically. Deep wounds are healing for all of collective, for mother earth even, so today we recommend to find time to sit in silence and allow this energy to keep washing over you. To be proud of yourself for the love that you show yourself by allowing this process to happen a little bit more automatically and less resistance connected to this unfolding. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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