The Shift

Apr 22, 2019

“The times are shifting now so that many of you can open up beyond all of your old limitations. Specifically in terms of matters of the heart. This energy that you have experienced, through these past two full moons in Libra specifically have helped to unearth old ways of relating with yourself and relating with every other relationship in your life. The relationship you have with Earth, the relationship  that you have with your families, the relationship you have with yourself. A lot of the time it is easy to get caught up in old limiting beliefs of what something should be or must be because the past has dictated that is what is true. But what we are saying about these energies that you're experiencing today especially is that you are now able to disconnect more from those old lines of frequency, old ways of relating, to now disconnect and then witness instead of being so emotionally connected, to then be able to feel more neutral. More able to create from a pure intention of desire. Because now that you are getting more and more disconnected from the old ways of belief, you are then able to re-establish what has worked in the past and what you do want to keep bringing forward with you as you move along. But also now what you are letting go of and then what you are newly creating.  It is a beautiful energy to be in and we know that it can still feel uncomfortable because within new changes and grief of the past that is a lot of different multiple layer of energy to feel. And it may almost make you feel erratic because your emotions can shift from one minute to the next but within that there is even a releasing process happening just from your emotions coming up from your subconscious.” 

“So today we recommend that you still tap into your heart. As we said in a previous transmission we are witnessing that your heart is becoming more of its center point for your body from your chakra system. Now that you have healed the connection between the mind and the heart that communication within yourself is shifting so that you are grounded in your desires, open within your heart and clear in your mind of intention. We know that you may not always feel that grounded or open but the more that you practice realigning yourself to that state of balance and moving with the shift of this energy, you will start to feel more lining up for you. Your desires will start to manifest in different ways and you will just start to feel brighter about the direction you are moving in and where you have come from. So we are looking forward to what you keep creating. What you are going to do with these newer energies coming in. And how you allow them to bring you full circle and move beyond the old ways of belief and decide to shift your focus in ways of this new alignment that you are feeling now deeper into your cells. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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