The Time is Now
Apr 15, 2019
“We are here to humbly thank you for all of your work, all of your interest in higher entities, your interest in self development and evaluation. Because it is those of you who dare to peer into your own darkness and to challenge the ways that you have been taught or your cultural beliefs, to then even make it possible to witness your own self evolution and higher levels of awareness. Because through that questioning comes higher information and just because you are human does not mean that you cannot access those energies or frequencies, that actually do exist and are more non-physical.”
“So we encourage you to allow yourself to open up even more. Collectively you are all feeling a deeper purge happening and emanating on a more subconscious level but this is partly due to the energies of the full moon that is coming in this week through Libra and through other ways of astrology. We want you to know that this is here to assist you in every way so allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, whatever emotions that come up. But specifically within this moment, we are sending you a transmission even if you are just reading this, higher levels of energy coming in deeper to help Purge and bring in new energy for you to acclimate yourself with. What we mean exactly by that is light codes coming in through this purge allowing yourself to recognize the limiting beliefs or pathways that are no longer serving your Evolution or everyday life. But now then facilitating and connecting deeper into these higher frequencies that are actually more in alignment for yourself growth. For your true foundational expansion into your true being.”
“The more that you can be there for yourself in a loving manner and trust your intuition, the more you will start to understand what alignment is and what that feels like. Because yet it's not something that you can tangibly hold and yes you can have manifestations happen on a tangible level which gives you then confirmation in your alignment because then you're seeing your fruition of your co-creation abilities. But yet we want you to recognize that every step of creating is already just as powerful from moment to moment. Just because you are Desiring something that feels so abundant and you can connect to that abundance it does not mean that where you're at in this very moment holds less abundance, or anything that you are lacking. There is no separation between one moment of co-creation to another. We hope by telling you this and bringing that to your awareness that you will start to relax and enjoy the journey more than just the destination or the connection between the two of non-physical and physical realities.”
“To a very strong degree where you are all at on a collective level is recognizing how to rebuild relationships first and foremost with yourself, but then how to create that reflection and have loving valuable connections. And to still value those connections that may no longer need to exist on such a deep level in your life it is ok to move beyond old ways of connection. That could be on any level of a relationship, romance, family, friends. It is important to listen to what feels right for you because that is your truth. There is no need to compare yourself to another or any other situation.”
“Today especially we would encourage you to go deeper within and to find what is truly in alignment with your heart, what you value and ways that you can value yourself even more especially through this purging process. Because you are creating new earth. You are creating the shift of paradigm, you are creating in every moment. You are coming back to your true frequency of love. And each of you has a unique gift to give the world through your frequency through who you are in your physicality. That is part of the gift of connection and community within even the collective consciousness.”
“Find your courage to be your unique self to be bold enough to share yourself with the world, even if they do not understand you completely. Because we see each and everyone of you and we see how magnificent and beautiful each attribute of you really is. How much value that holds even if no one else can see it. We want you to feel that love of self, to remember who and how powerful you are because we believe in you just like many other entities and higher levels of frequency. So keep going in the direction that sets Your Heart and Soul on fire with passion because that is the way to True alignment and abundance. Even if you do feel like you stumble or or out of alignment you still have the same amount of self worth even when you are in a lower denser energy that does not dictate your essence or self-worth in any way. It is just the mind that confuses you about that true remembrance of self. We are the Arcturians.”
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