The Ultimate Goal

Oct 08, 2019

We know that our message from yesterday was not something that is always as comforting to know that you are purging it again, but you are all almost there to the place of expansion that you have been all striving for, for many lifetimes now. Even though your body may be feeling intense through this purge through this upheaval of your old frequencies, there is still opportunities and aspects of abundance already around you within your world within your material life. The importance within this purge specifically at this time and for this month is to ground yourself by finding that gratitude and to recognize that you are powerful and able to work through this intense energy. Whatever it may be for you and and come out on the other side victorious.

Many of you may be getting more visions more information through your dreams state. Information through this physical purge of what your body is trying to help you through. We want to let you know that there is nothing that is trying to hold you back from reaching your ultimate potential and stability of high-frequency. There of course are tests along the way to help you evolve but it does not mean that any entity or energy is truly trying to hold you back. You are all actually moving at a very rapid rate and that is part of the intensity that you do feel. The more that you can take pride in yourself and how far you've come, the more courage you will keep building upon and revel in the satisfaction of how far you have already come. And how much beautiful possibility and limitlessness is waiting for you already within this now moment. You are helping to elevate the frequency of Earth for all of humanity. You are all connected there is nothing that separates you from anything. More and more illusions will be dissipating for you to feel that connectedness through your heart space. Trust in your heart, trust in what your soul is feeling beyond what the mind is telling you. Especially through this purging process because the mind can trick your heart or try to overpower to protect yourself but you are safe through this time. You are safe. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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