There is Nothing to Fear
Jun 10, 2019
“There is nothing to fear.The emotions that are coming up that you may be accessing more today are part of the old paradigm. Part of the old you that lived in fear, that lived in survival. It is somewhat of a test for your free will to decide what direction you wish to continue in. But at the same time it is also a purge. A purging of the old, a purging of fear. It must happen in your emotional and mental body at this time to help cleanse your physical body because each emotion and thought is stored within your cells within your DNA. And it does not matter if it is a lower frequency or higher frequency that is just how the body stores energy. So being able to utilize this time and this purge, no matter how big or small you may be feeling it the intensity of this energy it is necessary to allow your emotions to cycle through the old. That is how your energy is then recalibrated and transformed. And that is also why many humans do not wish to go on this path of evolution because it is not an easy one, but it is very rewarding. Because you are allowing yourself to come back into your true state of frequency. The more you allow yourself to overcome these old frequencies of loss, of fear, of anger and to have a deeper introspection of what they were teaching you or what they are still teaching you perhaps. To then have a new direction and decide what you are willing to let go of and what you wish to create. Today is very much about allowing yourself to feel. Allowing yourself to understand who you are deeper, recognizing that you are not fear you are not anger but seeing that you are and have always been love. The fear and anger or sadness where just the layers of old experiences or tests to show you how to love yourself deeper and how to gain compassion. You are not meant to just merely survive here on Earth, you are meant to thrive and regain your multi-dimensional frequencies. So now is the time to recognize your true self that is coming forward and allow your old identity of self to be what it is and thank it for everything that it has taught you. Everything that it has shown you. Every person that has come along your path that has helped make you stronger. Feeling grateful for everything you have learned and what you do have. Now is the time to decide what you wish to become, what you wish to embody because you are ready to step into your strength. You are all already. We Are the Arcturians. Until we speak again.”
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