We Applaud You!
Apr 10, 2019“You are all beautifully expanding! We want to start off this transmission with showing you how grateful we are that you are moving through these energies. Because they are not for those who are disinterested in evolution. They are for those who are ready to take the journey home to oneself. So the fact that you are utilizing these energies and even transmuting them and moving through them is a giant feet that we applaud you for. We know that it is not easy to look into yourselves completely to examine with a fine toothed comb because that is what the energies are requiring. And these energies are not trying to make you feel defeated or hold you back in anyway from accessing what you are longing to create or experience. But they are actually here to assist you with that introspection. So that you can unearth all of these layers that happens within the human experience of exist. We know that at a certain point it is hard to understand exactly what is going on because it's very complex and you are a multiple dimensional being. Because even within that statement that you are a multi-dimensional being is a hard statement to take in. So we mean it when we say that we applaud you. That you are experiencing everything that you are going through at this very moment and still deciding to keep moving forward even if you do not understand what that looks like or may know what's on the other side.”
“The more that you keep going deeper within yourself even if it does feel uncomfortable, the more of those fears will start to illuminate the truth of Who You Are. So instead you are left with a treasure of deeper understanding of who you really are and recognizing that the value that you once held or gave to something is able to be switched into a different perspective. And of course that shift all depends on your decision of what feels right for you or what you are going to keep allowing into your life into your experience. You have that power! Each and every one of you holds That Power of Choice! Because within that choice it is all about what you keep focusing on, your perspective and what you have turned on. Like how many lights do you have on within your house? You get to decide what you illuminate and bring forward through your own identity. And even though yes there may be things that are hard to access at this moment that you want to realign yourself with. And you know that what you are feeling now doesn't hold any value but you don't know how to break free from that. We are here to say that it is a process but you will keep getting there the more that you focus on what you do want. And the more that you can find compassion and love for yourself even with what you do not want, the more that contrast will serve you. It looks different for each and everyone of you. But in general terms you will be able to look upon your past with such peace and gratitude, because in that you have the knowledge that those twist and turns of life or for ups and downs or even failures, have served your own understanding of who you are and brought you into this alignment already within this moment. Alignment is not anything that is honestly held away from you. You can access that within your now moment of what you will decide to feel through way of your emotion. But yes this is a journey so we will leave you with confirmation that we believe in each and everyone of you. We trust that you will all come into this place of honoring your soul and your human existence, to allow yourself to create everything that you desire and find such fulfillment within that self-love. We believe in you and we love you very much. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”
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