We Are Here to Assist Your Evolution
Jan 22, 2020
We are very excited to connect with you through this channel of way of relating to our frequency, to how we witness humanity, how we witness the collective consciousness. It is easy for us to assume or to recognize where each human, where are you are all at energetically. But that does not mean that we fully understand the human process of digesting the psychology of what you witness, what you experience and how to then evolve out of those traumas or pain. How to be human is something that we are not familiar with in any way because we are the Arcturians, we are of light. We are excited because we are able to connect deeper with more of humanity, now that this awakening and energies are coming in to the World deeper now. Because we love to assist with this journey with this evolution to help your mind, your emotional body enhance and come back into the remembrance of who you truly are, beyond just your human self. Not just being a human in the world working and surviving.
We want for all of humanity to recognize the opportunity that is in front of all of you. In front of you to tap into to, to remember these aspects of multi dimensional reality. To then enhance more of your life with that awareness. With bringing in more energy of love and connection to other parts of the galaxy which then helps to not feel so polarized in a world that is of duality. The duality that you witness on a daily basis is always there for you to then utilize to then evolve even deeper. Evolve into understanding that instead of seeing the duality as a separation because separation is truly an illusion. But to use it as a way to feel more connected to your self and then connected to the world because you are unique within who you are. Not just from the differences that you all feel when you witness something that is a polarized version of you because you are all of the same entity human self. All from different parts of the galaxy and that is what is beautiful and we are excited about.
Today is a day where you can tap into this understanding of who you really are. Who you want to keep creating also, there are so many timelines waiting for you to connect into. To witness from new perspectives and the more that you allow yourself to observe who you operate on as a human reactive space because you all have that through your conditioning through what you grew up in, what you were told was right or wrong. There is all of that to then witness, step back and to then digest from that different stand point that, that opposition or that polarization gives to you.
And that is something that we could say that even through just looking at your government you can witness what feels in alignment and then how what doesn't feel in alignment to then recognize there are other opportunities to build more community, more connectedness to each of you. And you do not have to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders in order to make change happen. But instead allow it to give more compassion to those who are not aware, who are not awake, who are not fully understanding or even open to being able to see that perspective. And many more humans will open up because there are bigger events happening that will be shaking many into waking up which we are very excited about but again at the same time it is nothing that you need to take on personally to try to change. It is the more that you make the change within yourself within want you feel connected to, the deeper that will then emanate that frequency of change. Which will help bring more of that frequency of connectedness of unity consciousness, of love. We are very grateful for all of you. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again
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