We are here to help you Remember

Apr 17, 2019

“We command you for your diligence and perseverance at this very moment in time. We know that the energies that you are encountering and experiencing are more of the tougher energies that most humans ever experience in one lifetime. And for those of you who are reading this transmission we know that you have been waiting for this time to come even if you do not remember. Many souls have been preparing for the shift of energy or sensing it's coming to fruition. We do not mean to sound ominous in anyway because this is a beautiful thing that is happening. It is the shift of frequency, the Paradigm Shift, the event if you will. It is the culmination even deeper into this event.” 

“The energies of this week especially with the full moon in Libra for the second full moon in a row, is here to assist you with this purge that you have been all working so hard to get through or to transmute these energies. To find more alignment within yourself and many of you are well aware of what needs to be released and what fears you are ready to overcome or just allow to be fears and do them any way. We are proud of you in every moment for examining those aspects of yourself. We are proud to be here to help you along your journey in any way that we can. We are excited to be there for you through this purge as well this release because it will then allow more healthier connections to be formed. We know that there will be a time of mourning or longing for the past because that is natural. It is natural to feel or to need a moment of time to acknowledge what has been, what the past was, who you may have been and allow that time to naturally progress out and then to allow the new to come in when you are ready. So it is of course not anything that needs to be rushed or that you need to feel pressured in order to work through. These energies of course will be intense but they are moving at their own rate and you will flow with them in that way unless you do have some stagnation holding you back but within that these energies will help you find the power to move along. To move above those denser energies that maybe bogging you down.” 

“We are here to inform you as well that on your spiritual journey, wherever you are at, you are ready to answer this deep calling that you feel that inner voice that nudges at you. You are ready to listen, you are ready to move in that direction. And we are telling you this so directly because it is confirmation that you are meant to move in that form or direction that your heart is calling for you. That dream let you feel is ready for you. We are sending you nourishing light energy and codes to help you remember these aspects of who you are. This courage that you are searching for is already within your energy field. It is ready for you now to tap in and reclaim. To be the bold you that you are and that everyone is waiting for to shine so brightly so that they can be aware of that reflection to find that beauty within themselves as well. We are ready for you and this is now the time to utilize this assistance to help you expand beyond what you ever thought was possible in this lifetime as a human being. Step deeper into your multi-dimensional reality because each and every one of you has a beautiful gift to tap into and to utilize even in the simplest of ways. Because within simplicity there is so much value. You are worthy of what you are desiring of who you want to be and who you know you are. So we give you permission to allow yourself to feel that abundance and to feel that love again and we are here to help you remember. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”


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