What Do You Truly Believe?

Feb 21, 2019

“Today is all about going even deeper if possible, into the darkest depths of your core. This will be the last day of the shadow period from the full moon so it might be intense to say the least, but it all it does depend on how you decide to interact with the energy that is coming in to assist you or support you. This period of release is all trying to benefit your evolution of releasing the pain that you have carried in your heart and in many aspects of your body. How to better now let go of that and utilize that space for more evolution and more prosperity and more positive thoughts. “

“The huge majority of what is happening through this release and through this time on your planet right now is that in order to keep moving in a progressive way  on your planet is to have to look into those mental programming's and that mindset that you live in. That you coexist in within your individual reality. Because many of you are tied to that same reality due to programming and not due to anything about your own individual beliefs. Because when you break it down you are actually holding on and connected in even your thoughts. “

“So we do urge you to look deeper. To utilize this energy so that you can possibly go even into those places that you do not really wish for anyone or even yourself to see. But to bring light there and when we say that we mean exactly is to witness it or illuminated by acknowledging it. And even if it is painful, to realize and utilize that pain, to recognize what you do deserve from the opposite of that. Because none of you deserve to live or consists of lower frequency. You are all deserving of love in so many different capacities of what love is. You deserve to rise above your traumas or old beliefs of negative thinking. You deserve to move into a state of balance into a state of coexisting with your Darkness without it covering up your light. It will look different for all of you, but today is about stepping deeper into that space. Because the more that you can uncover those places that have been hidden the more treasure and beauty you will find. Even though the pain will come up, once you move past the pain then many perspectives and possibilities will arise. And that is what we are hoping for all of you so that you can realize your fullest potential exceeds your imagination. So start dreaming as well and utilize your imagination actually as way of creation. Because when you start to believe and tap into that frequency of what you are longing for you will start to become that within your physicality and then your external reality will match that. Until we speak again, We are the Arcturians.”


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