What is the Energy of Today?

Jan 23, 2019

“January 23rd 2019 is a day of Higher understanding in the regard of what your true self is who are you as an individual. Who are you and what do you want to create? What do you really truly wish to bring forward, it's a tongue twister of intention today a poetic dance of one's understanding and compassion with oneself.

The energy of today is one of true love for oneself the reflection of your eternal in the outward awareness of yourself. Seeing your purest form in so many aspects of the Earth in the world through your friends, your family. Seeing the beauty in all areas to understand deeper how everyone is their unique self, even within the aspects that are not as pleasurable to be around. They are still beautiful aspects of the whole within your dualistic world of earth. It's a beautiful thing to witness from an outsider's perspective and we are humbly here to help you through this harder transition than most Souls have ever have to see and to be apart of. But we know that each and every individual soul is ready for this journey, this journey of higher conscious awareness and of a pure intention to be a human to truly embody your purest form. In your original state of being so that is part of the question for this day for this day of understanding oneself is to dive deep into the self exploration and internal dialogue that you have with yourself as a human. How do you really treat yourself, how do you take care of yourself emotionally, mentally especially!

Evaluating the ways that you value yourself will help you better understand the areas that your body and soul and external life is even wanting for you to fulfill to create that connection again instead of having that gap of oneself not being complete or feeling unlovable or undeserving. This is now the time to see all the ways to take care of yourself wholeheartedly so that your external world will start to reframe itself to match your inward perspective. The true perspective you really wish to live. This is how the law of the universe works in this is how you can create your reality by stepping into this fated path for yourself that you know to be true on a cellular level. Consciously or unconsciously, still for some souls subconsciously that is coming forward now. Today is a day of love, and we are here for you and so are many other higher entities or whatever you wish to call them, supportive energy for every soul along their journey of evolution along your journey to finding a happier you. To getting the things that you wish to receive in order to be happier, feel more whole. We are here to help you just start by internalizing and reflecting on how you feel with certain situations. The process begins there and it will naturally unfold for you the more that you turn inward and ask yourself deep questions for what you long for and it does not mean to be a serious matter by any means but yet one that is not easily crossed over in terms of importance. We wish you all the best with this reflective day and realize that more joy and love is coming down for you even as you are just beginning this journey. More positive energy is coming through to help balance out the tumultuous energy that you have been through the last seven years. Your destiny is coming for you! We are always here for you as well until we speak again.” 9th Dimentional Arcturian Channeling


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