What is Your Heart Telling You?
Jun 09, 2019“Many of you at this time are facing bigger challenges than you ever thought to be up against. But in terms of it being a challenge, can be what resides within the mind. Because when it comes to making a decision about these challenging aspects the path of least resistance is through connecting with your heart space and allowing that to be your guidance of what makes you decide how to handle these opportunities that are bringing contrast at this time. The more that you can allow the fear to come through but then recognize it as what used to be your reality, the old you that lived in fear or in survival recognizing that you do not have to operate in that way any longer. That is not what your heart wants for you, what your soul is meant to experience. So within these aspects or the harsher energies that you may be feeling currently or even today especially, are helping to give you introspection about where your head and mind has been at and where your heart is and then figuring out how to merge the two. Or how to upgrade you are thoughts to then connect deeper to your heart. So that is the question for today to kickstart your introspection, what is your heart telling you? What are you feeling deep down in your core? When we let the fear go and you can find a neutral ground, what is it that you truly believe about yourself? What do you remember? And even if you don't know, asking the question will help to start unearth that heart centered space for your new direction. Because when there is such high and heavy frequencies coming through, you have that available to you to connect with and begin that journey on a higher state of consciousness. Into that place where your heart and mind and all of your being is in alignment with what excites you. What you feel passionate about. What you have always longed to do and connect with but has been waiting for you to be ready for it or even just speak it out into the universe of what you are wanting. Because within the out word statement of that expression, it already sets to your frequency to that barometer and that is the key to allowing your consciousness to evolve. And the more that you allow that to become your reality and a daily practice of asking yourself how you are feeling and how then maybe instead you want to feel. But allowing that to be your importance of everyday, to connect with yourself so deeply and go inward to find the answers even though it may be scary to see what you find. Knowing that the more you can meet yourself with love, that self love so deeply, the more you are helping the collective to find their own unique way of true connection and true understanding. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”
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