What is Your Identity

Oct 14, 2019

You all have done beautiful work and should be feeling very proud of yourself at this time even if you are still feeling the release factors or symptoms of this full moon in Aries. The beauty of the culmination to this point, to this full moon specifically that we will tap into at this time is very much about unearthing all of the identification that you have believed about yourself. That you hold or held onto for validity of self-worth to share with others who you are by those identifications.  But what is happening now is that there is no need for such identification systems to box in your identity. And what we are getting at is that you are beyond your human identity. You are everything of course but this full moon has for many of you allowed you to recognize where those identifications have limited you or made you feel that your self-worth is tied up or less than another depending upon that definition. Your self worth is not anything to do with what you do in the world in terms of your career. It has nothing to do with how much money you own or have, it is not about your gender or sexual preference.  It is about the frequency that you have and the more that you allow these layers of old identity to be released or recognized even, the more you will then begin to understand on a very deep level of awareness that nothing can ever be taken from you that would make you any less worthy or anything you could gain would make you even more worthy.

You are lovable and deserving no matter what! Of course your belief systems can tamper with that frequency or that flow of abundance but this is why these energies have built up in the way they have in that you have experienced this full moon and these purging cycles to help you get to this point and many of you are at the tipping point of this recognition of deep self love, deep self worth. Because once you are connected to that on a deep level and trust your inner self, your inner being and your connectedness to this multi-dimensional reality then there is no need to label yourself or identify. Of course you can still hold on to some of those identifications but we do recommend looking deeper at each one that you hold onto. The more that you allow yourself to be free the more that you will expand and feel the love permeating within every moment. Allow this energy to keep washing over you there was still be a shadow period of three days from this full moon. So look into what you identify with, what you feel so attached to maybe even of who you are what makes you, you? What do you identify with and are they helping you? Allow yourself to have self exploration today and just witness what comes up. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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