What is your Truth
Jun 20, 2019“The veil of illusion is falling more and more with every passing day. And what we mean specifically is that the collective consciousness is understanding the old limitations that have been programmed into your psyche and subconscious to make you feel that you are powerless unless you are in higher state of authority. Either it be a certain amount of money obtained or even a certain race, but of course those are all illusions. Each and every human being, you all possess the same amount of power and strength but just within your own unique ways and one is not better than another but yet within the system that you all coexist in there are still those illusions that make that statement seem contrary. But we are happy to see that more and more of these limitations and old ideology are falling away. Allowing your energy to be rebirthed and to remember what it is to be one, what it means to be united together.”
“There are still challenging aspects, but they are not blocks or hindrance of your collective evolution. The more that you can step deeper into what feels more in alignment with your heart's calling the more you are shifting the frequency around you which emanates out and has a ripple effect. Which is a beautiful thing to witness from our perspective. We are also excited to see the connections that you are than making through way of soul recognition because then that is also a chain reaction that is connecting you all around the world to one another in a state of understanding each others power and personal gifts. And this can happen in many different ways but at this time we are seeing it in the energetic sense of the collective coming deeper online. The deeper you all ground into your personal energy, the stronger that light becomes which illuminates the illusions and the veil of separation. You each have every right to believe what you wish to believe, regardless if it even feels in alignment with your soul but of course as we say this there still is no right or wrong way to experience life. Everything is a choice and yet there is still destiny and soul contracts connected to each and every human. But you all do have free will in terms of which step you will take next. So we recommend to trust your heart more than what anyone else says more than anything else you have been taught, more than what you used to believe. What do you believe today? What feels in alignment with your soul, with your heart? What is your truth? We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”
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