What Vibration Are You Holding
Jan 20, 2020
We are the Arcturians. Continuously we are surprised and excited for the amount of growth that you all go through on a daily basis. And it is no coincidence that you feel ready for more ready for new expansion, ready to feel lighter within your body and your emotional state. Because now is the time to allow even more expansion to come into your reality to your mental awareness of what you think is possible or even will allow within your vibrational reality.
WAs the Arcturians we have a very interesting perspective upon humanity. We understand that many of you are reevaluating the way that you live the way that you communicate the way that you view the world and view others. And how when you feel triggered, in negative sense or in ways that feel old and unworthy, they are again still showing you the opposite direction of what is in alignment with yourself. What is your truth, what is your reality or beyond the reality that you are living in. So it is giving you a better jumping off point to then have a better place to create from a better understanding of the whole existence that you live in. Not just your own inner reality but also what your outer reality is showing to you through that new perspective.
For many of you as light workers it is a green light for you to expand in that way as well to share your unique voice to share your abilities, to share what you believe to be your truth and the truth for others in ways of coming together in this ascension and how to better be a community that is supporting one another and not just in competitive, comparison in order to make a living or make themselves better known in the world. It is about recognizing the camaraderie and the community that you already have to elaborate upon and grow upon to then allow others to be attracted into a different state of understanding. Through the vibration that you give out it will enhance for others the mirrored reflection of your own frequency and give you a better understanding of where you are vibrating in the world from what you are witnessing and receiving through an everyday experience.
For example, when you go out into the world you see others behaving in all sorts of ways, so when you feel an emotional reaction to a specific situation, there is something to gain in understanding why you are reacting in a certain way. So in that way it will then allow you to witness what vibrations you want to keep plugging or tuning into so in that way you can harness your own vibration of what you choose on a daily moment to moment basis for your reality and especially for your own expansion. We recommend that you try to feel more in the flow as possible but understanding too when you are flowing and something feels to come up that is a deep contrast and closing you off from that flow, it is actually sometimes just to give you a deeper perspective to release more. Obstacles can be blessings in disguise or they can also just be ways for you to recognize how far you have come to the recognize that, that obstacle truly is not something holding you back but maybe just a limiting belief that you keep repeating within that frequency chain of your existence of your human body. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.
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