Witnessing The Beauty of Synchronicity

Feb 06, 2019

“We're here to tell you that the energies coming through are of the positive energy that we have been talking about. The physical rest that you received from yesterday has put you into a better place to receive this energy so we are grateful that this is now an opportunity for it to come into your stream of Consciousness and threw that your manifestation of your desires. We are excited because this also means that we have helped you successfully through this journey so far and we are grateful to always be a part with you on this journey. We are grateful to even witness the amazement that you accomplished as humans. The power of your awareness and growth is astounding to us Arcturian beings and other entities of higher Consciousness in other Dimensions and Galaxies.  Today is a day of witnessing the beauty of synchronicity. In beauty of feeling deeper into that alignment that we have been talking about as well. And of course every soul is on a different time and place within this transmission and for what this day will bring and it will be different for everyone yet there will still be a positive aspect that will help you through with your self-discipline to keep along the journey of your souls expansion. We are excited to see what that will continue to be as it unfolds.”

“We know that for many of you there has been many things placed on hold because the timing seemed off and yet you are passionate about these things on hold. Now slowly you will begin to see that things were meant to be with that void and with that pause to help you better integrate and define what you do want, what those items were and what to create differently now so that things can actually even expand further than your creative awareness at the time.”

“Today is also a day to dream big about what you are longing for because as you are a co-creator of your reality, that is how you manifest and keep expanding in the direction that truly suits your fancy and suits your personal style as a human being and what you are meant to bring to the Earth.  Because each of you have a different soul mission and no Mission or act of creativity or kindness or expression of any kind is greater or less than another. That is what you will keep seeing and being aware of is that every act, every feeling every breath is precious and magnificent. Within knowing that and feeling that beauty of connection and of wholeness you will begin to create things that have not been seen before. We are very excited for that intuition guiding the inventions.” 

“Be bold enough and brave enough to keep creating even beyond anyone's limitation. Because even if you do not feel limited in your creativity, there will always be something outside of yourself that will not understand. It's not meant to tear you down, it is meant for you to keep standing stronger within your light of creation. Courage is coming in with these Transmissions of positive energy to keep you strengthened and viable to keep following your path regardless of any outcome.  Because when you create you are expressing yourself and what else is there in life than creation. Today is all about standing in your power and that is what this rest of the week will be as well. As the integration of your higher self whatever multitude of ways that looks like for you even if it's just trusting yourself more. We are excited because that is now coming together as a beautiful connection of energy that is helping the entire Collective Consciousness shift into this new paradigm. It is already happening it is not something that will or needs to be waiting for the Time Is Now to create and to build your confidence in your being because you are meant to be here and be who you are. Your true self. until we speak again” 9th Dimentional Arcturian Channeling.


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