You are a Multidimensional Being

Mar 26, 2019

“We are excited that you are opening up deeper to your core wounds and to those aspects that society may deem as bad or flawed, or something to hide. We want you to know that every aspect even if of a lower frequency, that aspect still holds value. That aspect still shows your entirety of self and the beauty of being human and now awakening into this multi-dimensional perspective. Many of you will be feeling different variations of your past coming up to look at deeper and to reframe in such a way that brings more harmony to your entire physicality through way of emotion and then mentally understanding how and why that situation has come along your path to help you grow and evolve.”  

“We are not saying this is easy by any means but you are all doing the work and it is through the facilitation of these different planetary energies in your astrology and the upgrades that are coming into many of your systems through way of hearing this channeling and just threw connecting with nature with mother earth. This upheaval is needed at this time for humanity to redirect its attention. The suppression has gone on long enough now and it is time for the feminine energy to rise deeper into its true state of empowerment. And as we can see from our perspective the collective energy is tipping more in the favor of this positive understanding and in turn understanding the true masculinity that does not  suppress the feminine energy or need to compete, or strive for success on a material scale. Because when it comes down to the energy that you are feeling today especially it is all about balancing out and understanding the true essence of reality. Balancing out the masculine and feminine energy just as nature when observed is in complete harmony and balance even though there may be tumultuous things happening.” 

“The more that each individual human can come into this state of balance the deeper that you understand who you are on a soul level and not just in a sense of your human identity. You will come home to this balance of nature. We are excited because it is has already begun, this process of ascension this process of  what you all call or some of you call the shift, or the event.  Yes there will be bigger things happening especially within the next few months of dramatic shifts in the energy. But something to remember is that it is not about what is coming it is about the now moment. Recognizing that you cannot get it wrong and you cannot get it done. This is part of the evolutionary process which it is to be human and you are meant to be here, each and everyone of you. Meant to be along your personal journey of discovering and coming home into your truest frequency and then beyond that expanding even deeper beyond what you can imagine. But right now it is this almost struggle of trying to understand the multidimensional universe that you do co-exist in. By experiencing these denser energies and a redefinement of what it is to be in a relationship or what relationships mean for you. So recognizing that you are growing and learning how to redefine yourself and let go of the past you that you thought was you and allowing that definition to expand. The energies will begin to decrease in way of its intensity of communication but knowing that more is coming to the surface to help on a global scale, rebalance your economy and your way of communicating with each other. You will start to see a shift in this balance very soon in terms of a positive direction. So keep doing the great work of your personal introspection and nurture yourself as much as you can through this way of integration of your higher self. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”


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