You Are Beautifully Guided

Oct 15, 2019

There is no coincidence in the fact that you have gone through everything you have in your past that has brought you to this now moment. The reason why we bring this up is because of the release that you are all doing as a collective. Even if some of you are not very aware of it or aware of all of the multitude that you are shedding, what you are releasing. We want you to know that there has not been anything you could have done differently to make you in a better place than you are right now. You are all at the Tipping Point, this beautiful grand opening of shift within the collective consciousness. The more that you allow yourself to flow through these intense energies, whatever it brings up for you whatever you feel even if it is anger or sadness. It all serves a purpose because even through those feelings those emotions you are allowing yourself to transmute and release even deeper.

The frequencies that are coming in to help upgrade your systems through this release as well or very much high-frequency. Many of you are ready to take on more expansive frequencies and levels of consciousness so we do not want you to feel scared by this shift or Tipping Point because the worst is now behind you. It also does depend on where you are in your journey but many of you are at this place of understanding that the best is yet to come in the way of expansion. In the way of understanding love deeper at its true origin and not just the definition that you have been taught through your culture or through your perspectives of witnessing people treating you with love or lack of love. The closest thing we could give you as a definition is unconditional love. But even it exceeds that and that is why yesterday we were speaking of what you identify as what you label yourself or connect to that identity of understanding. The more that you can allow yourself to be, whatever it is, the more your heart will feel open enough to bring you home to that understanding of true self. It is important to be as relaxed as you can in your body even with a purge coming up that makes you feel that you are having physical pain through that upheaval of thought. It is all serving a purpose. We are very proud of you all. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.


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