You Are Being Prepared for Your Dreams

Mar 12, 2019

“We know that the energies that you've been experiencing are ones of deep reflection. Allowing yourself to succumb to the darkness within yourself to reanalyze the definition of those aspects. It is not uncommon to feel anger or sorrow or confusion at this time. For many of you there are big changes happening behind the scenes and within your conscious mind. Everything that you have been preparing for in terms of what your reality is waiting for you, the dreams that you have, this time is a deep cleansing of everything that no longer serves you. In order to move to the next level of where you are longing to go, you must allow the old to be washed away. Just as the ocean flows onto the shore and then regresses back, it's a necessary part to than reveal aspects hidden under the surface and to understand them and see the love in every aspect.”

”We want you to know that you are not doing anything wrong. You are doing beautifully through all of these tumultuous energies. The more that you can allow your emotions to filter through and to come forward whenever you feel, allowing those feelings to come through and see the love within every aspect because of it making you that whole being. The guidance that we have for you today is to try and witness your surroundings and your emotions, cause even if the sea is rocking back and forth, being able to witness it and not fight the current and allowing it to be what it is and recognizing that it has served a purpose for you. Whatever those thoughts or feelings of emotion are coming up for you because it is different every individual human being. Know that you are loved through this energy, even though you may feel like you are trudging through mud. The winds will change and the storm will calm itself, but this is a necessary part of the healing process for humanity and for your individual self. So trust that you have the strength to do this. Regain your power and confidence back into yourself and allow that shift to unfold. Recognizing where you have limits that may keep you away from your inner power. You are stronger than you can imagine. We are excited for when you do start to step into your true power because it is not far off. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”


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