You Are Blossoming into Beautiful Insight

Feb 12, 2019

“Today February 12th is a day for beautiful insight and blossoming of your soul. Blossoming into all those areas you've been waiting to expand into. Those fragments that have now been cleared up in your mind and in your emotions and that will still keep continuing to cleanse. Those fragments are now dissipating so that your growth can happen. Energy is being freed up to allow that space for you to grow in the ways that you truly wish to. The dreams that you have for yourself are waiting to be experienced and for you to even exceed your potential of your dreams because within your creative mind it can only see so much you as a possibility even if you think it is not possible. There are infinite possibilities for your life you for your dreams to happen in all areas. You'll gain new insight about the things you have now cleared as well you will start to see your past in a more loving way that will shock you to certain degree. It is beautiful the energy that we see coming in for each and everyone of you today. It is an immense congratulation to you and all the hard work that you have done and that you keep continuing to do for your evolution of soul. This is merely the beginning from many of you.” 

“We keep wanting to tell you that you are always where you are meant to be and it is even that much more true in this very moment of today especially. Many of you who do read these transmissions and these changelings are meant to get higher upgrades of codes and frequencies. Because many of you are on the Leading Edge of consciousness, to help embody these energies within your physicality. To then bring it and grounded it into Earth so that it helps change your surroundings, especially those other souls and humans in your surroundings.” 

“You are lightworkers and Healers, creative Energies. Any name you wish to use for yourself in a positive aspect is only one portion of how amazing and magnificent you truly are. That is something we wish to talk to you about today is to not allow certain labels or terms to hold you back in any way.  Re-evaluating those labels of who you claim to others to be or what you feel you can classify yourself as and to evaluate and re-examine them, to really see if they fit that much anymore. Because we can see for many of you, you have the chance and opportunity to allow those labels to dissolve. So then you can expand even more into your capacity of what you identify with. Allowing your identity to shift and be more fluid so that you can experience that type of bliss and to expand into those dreams and aspirations.”

“Allow yourself to become one with all of the aspects that you see, that you can classify or categorize yourself as. So in that way, it becomes a whole part of you and then realizing the aspects that you are ready to allow more in. Through your mind you nurture your growth and through the way of your emotions. You are now able to be there for your inner child. The past you that has experienced traumas or hardship, you have the opportunity now to go back, or even just within this very moment, to nurture yourself as if you are a small child. Self love is the key to experiencing those higher energies and those dreams. Because as your child self you had many dreams for yourself and now it is time to connect back with that innocence with that childlike wonder and optimism. There's so much positive energy coming in for you. We wish for you to not lose hope in any way, and we hope that today will bring that insight and spark a beautiful love within all of your hearts to expand your heart centers and chakras. To allow more love in yourself and out into the world. You are ready for this new expansion and this new way of being. You are ready! The time is now. Until we speak again.We are the Arcturians.”


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