You Are Divine

Sep 01, 2019

“Divine orchestration is heightened today and ready for you to surrender your fears or worries so that this pathway that has been waiting for you can truly be experienced. We want to give you reassurance today about this divine timing and path. It is not something that you can avoid any longer because this is what you have been working towards or things will be shifted for you to see that there is another option of choice for you that has a higher purpose. When you follow your intuition, your heart space, then you are already living within divine timing because you are all divine. The divine timing is about soul contracts and connections that will have a major impact on your life and upon humanity altogether. So what does it meant to surrender to this divine timing? When you surrender you are not giving up anything or going into a place of separation or lack, you are actually surrendering to the illusion of control and allowing your mind or ego to take a back seat and thus allowing your heart and source to guide you along this predetermined pathway of higher consciousness. A way to know if you are in surrender or not is to ask yourself how you feel, does it feel like you are battling something and things are harder then they really need to be? When you surrender you allow yourself to be more present in the now. You trust that the past was meant to be and that there is no need to worry about what the future holds so then you are more open to what is in your vibrational vortex. Trust that you are divine and have purpose. Trust that this time of new beginnings and change are supporting your growth and allowing you to come home to yourself and all of existence in the most beautiful of ways. Trust that even if something very uncomfortable is going on at the moment, that it will guide you to the next level and bring things into a better balance. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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